

Anaconda 中,我安装了 r Essentials & r studio ,但无法启动rstudio.当我尝试启动时,它首先显示了一个白色的空白视图:然后它变成了一个窗口浏览器:尽管标题为下载文件,但没有任何内容.

In Anaconda, I installed r essentials & r studio , but failed to start rstudio. when I tried to launch, it first showed a white blank view:and then it turned into a window explorer:Though titled with Download File, but there's nothing.


checking log file (see below):

15 May 2018 02:23:25 [rdesktop] ERROR system error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified); OCCURRED AT: void __cdecl rstudio::core::http::NamedPipeAsyncClient::connectAndWriteRequest(void) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\core\include\core/http/NamedPipeAsyncClient.hpp:84; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::desktop::NetworkReply::onError(const class rstudio::core::Error &) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\desktop\DesktopNetworkReply.cpp:288


I wonder if anyone could help me to figure out the reason. Thx!


本周,我使用通过Anaconda下载的RStudio和R在我的计算机上遇到了同样的问题.我通过使用Anaconda提示符下的命令conda uninstall r-base从Anaconda完全卸载R和RStudio,然后从各自的官方网站安装R和RStudio来解决此问题.

I had the same issue on my machine this week, using RStudio and R downloaded via Anaconda. I resolved this issue by uninstalling R and RStudio completely from Anaconda using the command on the Anaconda prompt: conda uninstall r-base and then installing R and RStudio from their respective official websites.


Unfortunately I couldn't figure out the source of the problem, but RStudio now works fine on my machine.


08-23 02:38