

最近,我使用conda命令安装了r-essentials:conda install -c r r-essentials,如以下URL中所述: https://anaconda.org/r/r-essentials .但是,当我尝试运行新的R内核时,ii会由于以下错误而失败:

Recently, I installed r-essentials using conda command: conda install -c r r-essentials as it is described in this url: https://anaconda.org/r/r-essentials. However, when I try to run a new R Kernel, ii fails according to this error:

...Anaconda3\R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


I want to remove R folder that was created after installation But I cannot find a way to remove that folder.


conda uninstall r-essentials


conda remove R

最后一个,根据关于reddit的答案: https://www .reddit.com/r/rstats/comments/57zh19/help_removing_anaconda_r_and_using_system_r_with/

Last one, according to this answer on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/rstats/comments/57zh19/help_removing_anaconda_r_and_using_system_r_with/

其中任何一个都删除了 R文件夹.

Any of those have removed R folder.


Is there an specific command to remove it?



r-essentials is a metapackage, and therefore cannot be uninstalled this way.

尝试运行conda uninstall r-base来卸载Anaconda R,然后定期安装R.然后,运行which R以确保它可以工作.现在,您应该看到系统R的路径,而不是Anaconda R.

Try running conda uninstall r-base to uninstall Anaconda R, and then install R regularly. Then, run which R to make sure that it works. You should now see the path to the system R, instead of the Anaconda R.

我建议您按照此处的说明进行操作-此安装对我有用: http://irkernel.github.io/.

I recommend then following the instructions here - this installation worked for me: http://irkernel.github.io/.


07-02 19:29