
this happened about a week after i got my laptop. Its a Sony FS920.It used to startup file. Nice and fast. Then, about a week later, before i was even able to go on the internet. the startup started taking forever. So i just put it in hibernate every time i want to turn it off. I tried everything i could find to speed it up. I removed a bunch of startup programs and switched the theme to windows clasic.I took out all the effects and stuff (which i dont think affects startup, but anyways)I have nothing left to do.Can Anyone Help Me Out?thanks 解决方案Another thing that affects it is items directly on the Desktop (ie - do you need stuff to sit on your desktop, or can you move them into ''my documents'' and create a shortcut to them?), as well as your Quicklaunch. Check to see if those are visible, and remove as many as you can.Was any software installed or uninstalled about the time it started to do this? 这篇关于慢启动的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-29 20:22