


I would like to know whether it is possible to do A2DP streaming and RFCOMM to the same Bluetooth device concurrently. Would opening a socket for RFCOMM communication cause the A2DP stream to drop? Any known issues in this usage assuming it is possible? Thanks.


在情况下,任何人都发现了这个问题,并正在寻找一个答案。我这样做,我的Galaxy Nexus的音频流进行一致的,但我看到我的RFCOMM插座数据速率下降。我没有确切的数字和我在一起。但性能播放音频A2DP超过一定时逢低,然后停药后A2DP恢复。这是在115200串行通信。

In case anyone else finds this question and is looking for an answer. I'm doing this, on my Galaxy Nexus the audio streaming performs consistently but I see a drop in the data rate on my RFCOMM socket. I don't have exact numbers with me. But performance definitely dips when playing audio over A2DP, and then recovers after stopping A2DP. This is for serial communication at 115200 bps.

我还要补充一点,这是与Android 4.3它采用了全新的蓝牙堆栈是不是做的BlueZ

I should also add that this was done with Android 4.3 which uses a new bluetooth stack that is not BlueZ


07-02 15:24