根据 Al-Quran
发音相比, Al-Quran
可以在用户语音和 Al-Quran
How can we compare two audio files, or voice recorder files, according to Al-Quran
has special pronunciation compared to Arabic
Is it possible to do the comparison between user voice and the way Al-Quran
is pronounced?
我已经尝试过 Google Speech to Text for Arabic
,但看来它不能处理 Al-Quran
I have already tried the Google Speech to Text for Arabic
, but it seems it does not handle the pronunciation for Al-Quran
For example this audio (Al-Quran's recite)
比较两个音频文件非常简单,但是如果您要分析古兰经》的 Thajweed
Comparing two audio files is that much easy, but if you want to analyse the Thajweed
(Proper Pronunciation) of Quran according to the legal way of Arabic grammar, you have to use some kind of machine learning techniques such as Audio Classifications.
要使用ML,您需要获取1000多种具有适当发音的古兰经经文录音样本音色,以比较当前声音并检测 Thajweed
In order to use ML you need to get more than 1000 sample voices of Quran verses recordings with proper pronunciation to compare the current voice and detect the Thajweed
mistakes, I'm happy if you could build an AI to detect that, but it requires more time and resources than you expect.
简单:有一个名为 musicg
In simple: There is an Android library called musicg
which you can use to compare two audio files and get the similarity percentage between them. (It may or may not give 100% accuracy in your case)
Wave wave = new Wave(getAssets().open("quran_verse_25.wav"));
Wave wave1 = new Wave(getAssets().open("test_audio.wav"));
FingerprintSimilarity fingerprintSimilarity = wave.getFingerprintSimilarity(wave1);
float score = fingerprintSimilarity.getScore();
float similarity = fingerprintSimilarity.getSimilarity();
Log.d("Similarsound", "Time Match: " + fingerprintSimilarity.getsetMostSimilarTimePosition() + " Score : " + score + " Similarity : " + similarity);
可以通过 URL 下载该库.