

我大二时一般是编程,更具体地说是Ruby on Rails.我已经创建了几个应用程序,最后有一个我想开始收费的应用程序.我以前从未实现过这样的事情,而且我觉得(从我阅读的内容中)我提供的大多数文档都有些烦人.我不介意跳水,但在我这样做之前,我想先从那些经验丰富的人那里获得一些意见,以了解实现模型的最简单方法是向用户收取月使用费.两个注意事项:

I am in my sophomore year of programming in general and Ruby on Rails more specifically. I have created several apps and finally have one that I would like to start charging for. I have never implemented something like this before and I feel like (from what I have read) most of the docs provided are a bit over my head. I don't mind diving in but before I did I wanted to get some opinion from those more experienced about what is the simplest way to implement a model for charging my User a month fee for use. Two notes:

  1. 我的应用程序已包含用户,我将介绍该应用程序的新部分,我只希望向付费用户提供访问权限.
  2. 我不介意将其发送到第三方页面进行付款.


From what I can find, it seems like both PayPal and Chargify do a decent job of providing help for this type of integration. What are your thoughts about which type of solution is best for a newbie to this space.



I'll admit I'm biased since I'm one of the founders of Chargify :-).

但是在那之前,我帮助建立了7-8家公司,最近是Engine Yard,我真的很希望我们那时能有像Chargify这样的公司.我记得当时曾想过:伙计,我们需要类似'Basecamp for Billing'的东西……应该很简单,用信用卡签约,定义产品和价格,然后开始".所以我找到了Chargify/GrasshopperGroup的人,并加入了团队.

But before that I helped build 7-8 companies, most recently Engine Yard, and I really, really wish we'd had something like Chargify back then. I remember thinking, "Man, we need something like 'Basecamp for Billing'... it should be simple, sign up with a credit card, define products & pricing, and get going". So I found the Chargify/GrasshopperGroup folks and joined the team.


Chargify takes it up a level from what we found with payment gateway offerings and things like PayPal... with Chargify, you define products, prices, coupon codes, metered-usage units, etc., and let Chargify do as much as you want. The system emails your customers when their cards get declined or expire, and directs them to a URL to fix the problem, etc.


Billing gets complex as a business grows. I tell callers that if their needs are really simple, then they may indeed be okay with Auth.Net's ARB service or another like it, but as soon as your needs even begin to get less simple (ie, customers change plans mid-cycle and want proration), then Chargify really makes your life easier.


And as Rails folks ourselves, we're always working to make the service better, so you'll get more and more services as time progresses. And you can actually call us 24/7 and get someone on the phone! Our Level 1 phone team knows the product better and better each week and can send the call to Level 2 if they don't know the answer.


So, you're getting a good piece of software, plus a good team who's here for you to develop new features and provide support if you need it.


Sorry this sounds like an ad; it is, partly, of course. But it's also just a reflection of my frustration trying to build this at earlier companies, and my enthusiasm for being part of Chargify now and helping merchants not focus on recurring billing :-).


10-27 11:45