I'm wondering whether there is a mapping between a sorted array (e.g., [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) and the representation that one obtains when one constructs a complete binary search tree from this sorted array, and expresses said binary search tree as an array (e.g., [4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5], see graphic below)?
2 6
1 3 5
Here's some more context: It is well known that one can take a sorted array and construct a complete binary search tree from it (there is a unique representation). A recursive algorithm is: find the appropriate mid (this is actually quite tricky), treat it as the root, thenrecurse on left subarray and right subarray. From the resulting BST, one can perform a level-order traversal (basically breadth first search) to construct the array representation of the complete BST.
The reason I ask this is that this mapping is independent of the content of the array: it depends only on its length. Therefore I get the feeling that it should be possible to concisely express both arrays as a function of each other.
树的高度是可预测的 roundUp(log2(nodes))
。我们也知道,右子树比左子树从不大- | LS | > = | RS |
。更进一步,我们可以计算出使树完美的节点数: 2 ^(height-1)-arr.length
The height of the tree is predictable roundUp(log2(nodes))
. We know as well, that the right subtree is never greater than the left subtree - |LS| >= |RS|
. Further more we can calculate the number of nodes that are missing to make the tree perfect: 2 ^ (height - 1) - arr.length
. This allows us to predict how to distribute nodes among subtrees:
findRoot(int[] arr , int maxLeaves , int maxLevelL)
//maxLeaves is the number of leaves on the maximum-level
int l = min(maxLevelL / 2 , maxLeaves)
return (arr.length - maxLeaves) / 2 + l
node buildTree(int[] arr , int maxLeaves , int maxLevelL)
if maxLevelL == 0
return null
node result
int rootidx = findRoot(arr , maxLeaves)
result.val = arr[rootidx]
result.left = buildTree(arr.subarray(0 , rootidx) , Math.min(maxLeaves , rootidx - 1) , maxLevelL / 2)
result.right = buildTree(arr.subarray(rootidx + 1 , arr.length) , Math.max(0 , maxLeaves - rootidx - 1) , maxLevelL / 2)
return node
,其中 LS
和 RS
是左右子树,它们定义为BST还有。 LS
和 RS
都是完整的,至少其中之一必须是完美的。我们可以轻松地预测两者中的哪一个是完美的:在最高级别上适合 m
个节点,但是在数组中我们缺少 x
The basic idea is the following: all complete BSTs share one property, regarding the recursive definition of a BST: (LS , R , RS) OR null
, where LS
and RS
are the left and right subtree, which are defined as BSTs aswell. Both LS
and RS
are complete and at least one of them must be perfect. We can easily predict which of the two is perfect: on the highest level fit m
nodes, but in the array we are missing x
nodes to build a perfect tree. Thus:
if m - x == m / 2 then both are complete and the height of RS is height(LS) - 1
if m - x < m / 2 RS is perfect, LS only complete but not perfect
if m - x > m / 2 LS is perfect, RS only complete but not perfect
if m - x == 0 both LS and RS are perfect and of equal height
计算左边的节点数( l
)和右( r
)子树将被放置在最高度。现在,我们可以轻松地从树中删除这些节点,计算完美BST的根,然后将隐含的左右节点重新添加到树中: root =(arr.length-(l + r))/ 2 + l
We can find the root of a tree using the following rule:Calculate the number of nodes on the left (l
) and right (r
) subtree that would be placed on the heighest level. Now we can easily remove those nodes from the tree, calculate the root of a perfect BST, and later on add the left and right nodes back into the tree implicitly: root = (arr.length - (l + r)) / 2 + l
Input: 1 2 3 4 5
Nodes on maxLevel: 2
maxLevelL: 4
l = 2
r = 0
root_idx = (arr.length - (l + r)) / 2 + l =
= (5 - 2) / 2 + 2 =
= 3
Apply this algorithm recursively to define subtrees:
/ \
2 5
/ \
1 3
NOTE:I haven't tested this code. Might be that it still contains a few arithmetic insufficiencies that need to be fixed. The logic is correct, though. This should just represent a way of remapping the indices from one array to the other. The actual implementation might look quite a lot different from the code I provided.
After having this discussion for the second time, here's a definition of a complete BST:
Complete BSTs are a subclass of balanced BSTs, with a few additional constraints, that allow a unique mapping of a complete BST to a sorted array and vice versa. Since complete BSTs are only a subclass of balanced BSTs, it won't suffice to build a balanced BST.
The above algorithm can be altered in the following way to directly build the array:
- 树的根索引为0
- 索引为
的节点的左子节点的索引为(n + 1)* 2-1
- 索引为
的节点的右子节点的索引为(n + 1)* 2
- the root of the tree has index 0
- the left child of the node with index
has index(n + 1) * 2 - 1
- the right child of the node with index
has index(n + 1) * 2
Usually these access-operations are done on a 1-based array, but I've altered them to match a 0-based array for convenience
因此,我们可以重新实现 buildTree
Thus we can reimplement buildTree
to directly produce an array:
node buildTree(int[] arr , int maxLeaves , int maxLevelL ,
int[] result , int nodeidx)
if maxLevelL == 0
int rootidx = findRoot(arr , maxLeaves)
//insert value into correct position of result-array
result[nodeidx] = arr[rootidx]
//build left subtree
buildTree(arr.subarray(0 , rootidx) , Math.min(maxLeaves , rootidx - 1) , maxLevelL / 2 ,
result , (nodeidx + 1) * 2 - 1)
//build right subtree
buildTree(arr.subarray(rootidx + 1 , arr.length) , Math.max(0 , maxLeaves - rootidx - 1) , maxLevelL / 2 ,
result , (nodeidx + 1) * 2)
请注意,与 arr
Note that unlike arr
, we never use any subarrays of result
. The indices of the respective nodes never change, throughout any method-calls.