vector< string> sa; for(aa = 0; aa< inp_str.size(); aa ++) { for(bb = 0; bb< GATE.size(); bb ++) { sa = GATE [bb] .read_ip(); for (cc = 0; cc< sa.size(); cc ++) { if(inp_str [aa] == sa [cc]) {dd = dd + 1;} } } FanOut.push_back(dd); dd = 0; } //主要输出粉丝 for(int ee = 0; ee< out.size(); ee ++) { FanOut.push_back(1); } gate tt; int and_d = 0,or_d = 0,nand_d = 0,nor_d = 0,exor_d = 0, exnor_d = 0,buf_d = 0,not_d = 0; int and_r = 0,or_r = 0,nand_r = 0,nor_r = 0,exor_r = 0,exnor_r = 0,buf_r = 0,not_r = 0; int nand_D = 0,nand_R = 0; int ii = 0,jj = 0; for(ii = 0; ii< GATE.size(); ii ++) { for(jj = 0; jj< GATE。 size(); jj ++) { //为nand if(GATE [ii] .ret_type()==" nand") { if(GATE [jj] .ret_type ()==" nand") { if(GATE [ii] .fanout(GATE [jj])> 0) {nand_d = nand_d + 1;} if(GATE [ii] .fanin(GATE [jj])> 0) {nand_r = nand_r + 1;} } } / * // for和 if(tt.ret_type()==" and") { if(ss) .ret_type()=="和") { and_d = and_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; and_r = and_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for或 if(tt.ret_type()=="或) { if(ss.ret_type ()=="或) { or_d = or_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; or_r = or_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for nor if(tt.ret_type()= =" nor") { if(ss.ret_type()==" nor") { nor_d = nor_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; nor_r = nor_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for exor if(tt.ret_type()==" ; exor) { if(ss.ret_type()==" exor") { exor_d = exor_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; exor_r = exor_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for exnor if(tt.ret_type()==" exnor" ;) { if(ss.ret_type()==" exnor") { exnor_d = exnor_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; exnor_r = exnor_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for buf if(tt.ret_type()==" buf") { if(ss.ret_type()==" buf") { buf_d = buf_d + ss.fanout(tt) > 0?1:0; buf_r = buf_r + ss.fanin(tt)> 0?1:0; } } // for not if(tt.ret_type()==" not") { if(ss.ret_type()==" not") { not_d = not_d + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1: 0; not_r = not_r + ss.fanout(tt)> 0?1:0; } } * / } if(nand_d> 0){nand_D = nand_D + 1;} if(nand_r> 0 ){nand_R = nand_R + 1;} nand_d = 0; nand_r = 0; } //最大扇出 int b = 0; int z = 0; for(b = 0; b< FanOut.size(); b ++) { if(z< FanOut [b]) {z = FanOut [b];} } cout<< ; z<< endl; // F + 1行 int nfs [z + 1]; for(int kk = 0; kk< = z; kk ++) {nfs [kk] = 0;} for(int hh = 0; hh< = z; hh ++) { for(int b = 0; b< FanOut.size(); b ++) { if(hh == FanOut [b]) {nfs [hh] = nfs [hh] +1; } $ / $ } for(int w = 0; w< = z; w ++) {cout<< nfs [w]<< endl;} cout<< inp.size()<<"" " ;; for(int ww = 0; ww< inp.size(); ww ++) {cout<< inp [ww]<<" ; " ;;} cout<< endl; cout<<< out.size()<<"" " ;; for(int x = 0; x< out.size(); x ++) {cout<< out [x]<<" ; " ;;} cout<< endl; if(nand!= 0) { cout<<" nand"<< nand<<" "<< nand_D<<" "<< nand_R<<" "<< endl;} if(andg!= 0) {cout<<" and"<<以及g<<" "<< and_d<<" "<< and_r<<" "<< endl;} if(notg!= 0) {cout<<" not"<< notg<<" "<< not_d<<" "<< not_r<<" "<< endl;} if(org!= 0) {cout<<" or"<<组织LT&;<" "<< or_d<<" "<< or_r<<" "<< endl;} if(norg!= 0) {cout<<" nor"<< NORG<<" "<< nor_d<<" "<< nor_r<<" "<< endl;} if(exorg!= 0) {cout<<"" exor"<< exorg<<" "<< exor_d<<" "<< exor_r<<" "<< endl;} if(exnorg!= 0) {cout<<"" exnor"<< exnorg<<" "<< exnor_d<<" "<< exnor_r<<" "<< endl;} if(buf!= 0) {cout<<"" buf"<< BUF<<" "<< buf_d<<" "<< buf_r<<" "<< endl;} 返回0; } 当我运行gdb时我收到以下消息 程序收到信号SIGSEGV,分段错误。 0xb7ec6375 in std :: basic_string< char, std :: char_traits< char> ;,std :: allocator< char> > ::〜basic_string()来自/usr/lib/ 这个没有给我任何行号来调试,即使我输入''bt full ''我得到同样的东西, i是STL的新手但知道C ++(amatuerish)..... 请帮助我理解这里的问题,Here is my code:#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <fstream>#include <stdio.h>#include <string>#include <cstring>using namespace std;class gate{private:string op;vector<string> ip;string type;public://to take in the type of gatevoid takein_type(string a){type=a;}//to take in input of gatevoid ips(string c){ip.push_back(c);}//to take in output of gatevoid input_op(string a){op=a;}//to read gate inputsvector<string> read_ip(){return ip;}//to read value of output of gatestring read_op(){return op;}//read type of gatestring read_type(){return type;}//erase last input added as actually it is output of next gatevoid rm(){ip.erase(ip.begin()+ip.size()-1);}int fanout(gate g1){int fout=0;int p=g1.ip.size()-1;while(p>=0){if(g1.ip[p]==op){fout=fout+1;}p=p-1;}return fout;}string ret_type(){return type;}int fanin(gate g1){int fin=0;for(int vv=0; vv<g1.ip.size(); vv++){if(g1.ip[vv]==op){fin++;}}return fin;}void output(){cout<<"output: "<<op<<endl;cout<<"gate type: "<<type<<endl;for(int i=0; i<ip.size(); i++){cout<<"inputs: "<<ip[i]<<endl;}}void flush(){ip.clear();}};int main(){vector<gate> GATE;vector<int> inp;vector<int> out;vector<string> inp_str;vector<string> out_str;char* pch;string str2, str_temp, line;int pins=0, ss=0, rr=0, c=0, bit=0;gate g;ifstream obj("b15_C.txt"); if (obj.is_open()) { while (! obj.eof() ) { getline(obj,line);char* temp; temp=&line[0];if(*temp!=''#'') { pch = strtok(temp," ,()");while (pch != NULL) {if(ss==1){inp_str.push_back(pch);ss=0;}if(rr==1){out_str.push_back(pch);rr=0;}if(pch[0]==''I''&&pch[1]==''N''&&pch[2]==''P''&&pch[3]==''U''&&pch[4]==''T''){inp.push_back(pins);pins++;ss=1;}else if(pch[0]==''O''&&pch[1]==''U''&&pch[2]==''T''&&pch[3]==''P''&&pch[4]==''U''&&pch[5]==''T''){out.push_back(pins);pins++;rr=1;}else if(pch[0]==''=''){if(c>0){g.rm();GATE.push_back(g);g.flush();}g.input_op(str_temp);bit=0;c++;}else if(str_temp=="="){g.takein_type(pch);}else if(bit==1){g.ips(pch);}else if(str_temp=="nand" || str_temp=="and" || str_temp=="or" || str_temp=="nor" || str_temp=="not" || str_temp=="buf" || str_temp=="exor" || str_temp=="exnor"){g.ips(pch);bit=1;}str2=str_temp;str_temp=pch;pch = strtok (NULL, " ,()"); } } } obj.close(); } else {cout << "Unable to open file"; }GATE.push_back(g);//no of gates of each typegate g1,g2;int nand=0, exorg=0, norg=0, exnorg=0, andg=0, notg=0, org=0, buf=0, nand_fin=0, nand_fout=0, and_fin=0, and_fout=0, not_fin=0, not_fout=0, or_fout=0, or_fin=0, nor_fin=0, nor_fout=0, exor_fin=0, exor_fout=0, exnor_fin=0, exnor_fout=0;int qq=0; for(;qq<GATE.size();qq++) { if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="nand"){nand=nand+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="and"){andg=andg+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="or"){org=org+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="not"){notg=notg+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="buf"){buf=buf+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="nor"){norg=norg+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="exor"){exorg=exorg+1;}if(GATE[qq].read_type()=="exnor"){exnorg=exnorg+1;} }//finding fanoutsint f=0;vector<int> FanOut;int u,v;for(u=0; u<GATE.size(); u++){for(v=0; v<GATE.size(); v++){f=f+GATE[u].fanout(GATE[v]);}FanOut.push_back(f);f=0;}//primary input fanoutsint aa,bb,cc,dd=0;vector<string> sa;for(aa=0; aa<inp_str.size(); aa++){for(bb=0; bb<GATE.size(); bb++){sa=GATE[bb].read_ip();for(cc=0; cc<sa.size(); cc++){if(inp_str[aa]==sa[cc]){dd=dd+1;}}}FanOut.push_back(dd);dd=0;}//primary output fanoutsfor(int ee=0; ee<out.size(); ee++){FanOut.push_back(1);}gate tt;int and_d=0, or_d=0, nand_d=0, nor_d=0, exor_d=0, exnor_d=0, buf_d=0, not_d=0;int and_r=0, or_r=0, nand_r=0, nor_r=0, exor_r=0, exnor_r=0, buf_r=0, not_r=0;int nand_D=0, nand_R=0;int ii=0,jj=0;for(ii=0; ii<GATE.size(); ii++){for(jj=0; jj<GATE.size(); jj++){//for nandif(GATE[ii].ret_type()=="nand"){if(GATE[jj].ret_type()=="nand"){if(GATE[ii].fanout(GATE[jj])>0){nand_d=nand_d+1;}if(GATE[ii].fanin(GATE[jj])>0){nand_r=nand_r+1;}}}/*//for andif(tt.ret_type()=="and"){if(ss.ret_type()=="and"){and_d=and_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;and_r=and_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for orif(tt.ret_type()=="or"){if(ss.ret_type()=="or"){or_d=or_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;or_r=or_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for norif(tt.ret_type()=="nor"){if(ss.ret_type()=="nor"){nor_d=nor_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;nor_r=nor_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for exorif(tt.ret_type()=="exor"){if(ss.ret_type()=="exor"){exor_d=exor_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;exor_r=exor_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for exnorif(tt.ret_type()=="exnor"){if(ss.ret_type()=="exnor"){exnor_d=exnor_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;exnor_r=exnor_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for bufif(tt.ret_type()=="buf"){if(ss.ret_type()=="buf"){buf_d=buf_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;buf_r=buf_r+ss.fanin(tt)>0?1:0;}}//for notif(tt.ret_type()=="not"){if(ss.ret_type()=="not"){not_d=not_d+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;not_r=not_r+ss.fanout(tt)>0?1:0;}}*/}if(nand_d>0){nand_D=nand_D+1;}if(nand_r>0){nand_R=nand_R+1;}nand_d=0; nand_r=0;}//max fanoutint b=0;int z=0;for(b=0; b<FanOut.size(); b++){if(z<FanOut[b]){z=FanOut[b];}}cout<<z<<endl;//F+1 linesint nfs[z+1];for(int kk=0; kk<=z; kk++){nfs[kk]=0;}for(int hh=0; hh<=z; hh++){for(int b=0; b<FanOut.size(); b++){if(hh==FanOut[b]){nfs[hh]=nfs[hh]+1;}}}for(int w=0; w<=z; w++){cout<<nfs[w]<<endl;}cout<<inp.size()<<" ";for(int ww=0; ww<inp.size(); ww++){cout<<inp[ww]<<" ";}cout<<endl;cout<<out.size()<<" ";for(int x=0; x<out.size(); x++){cout<<out[x]<<" ";}cout<<endl;if(nand!=0){cout<<"nand "<<nand<<" "<<nand_D<<" "<<nand_R<<" "<<endl;}if(andg!=0){cout<<"and "<<andg<<" "<<and_d<<" "<<and_r<<" "<<endl;}if(notg!=0){cout<<"not "<<notg<<" "<<not_d<<" "<<not_r<<" "<<endl;}if(org!=0){cout<<"or "<<org<<" "<<or_d<<" "<<or_r<<" "<<endl;}if(norg!=0){cout<<"nor "<<norg<<" "<<nor_d<<" "<<nor_r<<" "<<endl;}if(exorg!=0){cout<<"exor "<<exorg<<" "<<exor_d<<" "<<exor_r<<" "<<endl;}if(exnorg!=0){cout<<"exnor "<<exnorg<<" "<<exnor_d<<" "<<exnor_r<<" "<<endl;}if(buf!=0){cout<<"buf "<<buf<<" "<<buf_d<<" "<<buf_r<<" "<<endl;} return 0;}when i run gdb i am getting the following messageProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.0xb7ec6375 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string () from /usr/lib/ not give me any line number to debug, even when i type in ''bt full'' i get the same thing,i am new to STL but know C++ (amatuerish).....kindly help me understand whats the issue here,推荐答案我认为字符串存储存在一些问题,我所拥有的字符串向量可能会有一些问题,但是我无法弄清楚是什么? 文件b15_C.txt很大,因此需要将很多字符串作为push_back传递给向量。这是否意味着某种内存溢出?我可以增加内存模型的大小吗? 当我输入一个较小的文件程序运行时没有任何分段错误,所以这一点表明有责任归咎于内存溢出i think there is some problem with string storage, the string vectors that I have may be have some problem, but i am not able to make out what?the file b15_C.txt is huge, so many strings needed to be push_back to the vector. does this mean there is a memory overflow of some sort ? can i increase the memory model size ?also when i input a smaller file the program runs without any segmentation fault, so this point indicates strong reason to blame memory overflow同样当我在Visual C ++中运行它时,我得到Debug assertion failed在行:else if(bit == 1)The same piece of code when i run it in Visual C++ i get "Debug assertion failed" on the line: else if(bit==1) strtok()有问题吗?另外我在VC ++中收到警告,说使用strtok_s()而不是is there some problem with the strtok() ? also i get a warning in VC++ saying use strtok_s() instead 这篇关于使用向量作为类成员的分段错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-22 19:16