I would like to have a Java application which can be easily started.
到目前为止,我已经设法创建了一个jar文件,但我还没有看到任何优势。在我通过java HelloWorldSwing运行我的应用程序之前,现在我使用java -jar HelloWorldSwing.jar(这比上一个命令更复杂,据我所知,jar文件的使用需要存在* .mf文件在同一目录中。)
So far I have managed to create a jar file but I do not see any advantages yet. Before I run my application by "java HelloWorldSwing" and now I use "java -jar HelloWorldSwing.jar" (which is even more complicated than the previous command and, as far as I understood, the usage of a jar file requires presence of *.mf file in the same directory).
I would like to have one of the two following situations:
Just one single file which can be copied to another operation system and that the project can be started just by click on this file in a file browser (at the moment if click on my jar file Ubuntu starts to extract archive (because jar is an archive, I know)).
Create a pictogram which can be put on a desktop and clicking on which initiates my Java program.
制作一个没有依赖关系的 jar 可执行文件相对简单。您基本上只需要在 MANIFEST
中指定要使用的主类。然后可以使用 java -jar ExecutableJar.jar
Making a jar with no dependencies executable is relatively easy. You basically just need to specify in the MANIFEST
the main class to use. It can then be started with java -jar ExecutableJar.jar
, but most OS support double-click in this case.
制作一个依赖于其他jar 可执行文件的 jar更加棘手。您可以在 MANIFEST
Making a jar that depends on other jar executable is more tricky. You can specify the class path in the MANIFEST
, but it still means you need to copy more than one jar to distribute your app. Another way is to "pack" the depending jar in the main jar.
您可以使用 maven 和。使用预先配置的 jar-with-dependencies
You can do all this with maven and the maven-assembly-plugin. Use the jar-with-dependencies
preconfigured descriptor.
The main class can be specified with something like:
编辑:完整的 pom.xml