I'm using m2eclipse to manage maven projects. Somehow I did a bad thing, and now the system is behaving as if workspace resolution is disabled.
I have several projects that depend on a main project. This project has a version of 4.0-SNAPSHOT, and all the dependent projects reference it in the dependencies section of their poms. Everything was working fine until I created an entirely new project and mistakenly copied the pom from the main project into the new project. Suddenly, all of the dependent projects got the error:
容器'Maven依赖关系'引用了不存在的库C:\ users \ myusername.m2 \ com \ mydomain \ myproject \ 4.0-SNAPSHOT \ myproject-4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
"The container 'Maven Dependencies" references non existing library C:\users\myusername.m2\com\mydomain\myproject\4.0-SNAPSHOT\myproject-4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
I zapped the offending new project, but the error remains for all the dependent projects.
我对主项目或任何从属项目均未做任何更改(据我所知),因此我猜测Eclipse环境中发生了某些更改. m2eclipse或Maven本身可以在我可以吹走的任何地方维护设置吗?
I've made no changes (to my knowledge) in the main project or any of the dependent projects, so I'm guessing something got changed in the Eclipse environment. Does m2eclipse or Maven itself maintain settings anywhere that I can blow away?
Never mind. The answer is to right-click on a project and pick Maven/Update Snapshots.