




 公共AccountController(IAccountService accountService){_accountService = accountService;_accountService.Initialize(new ValidationDictionary(ModelState));} 




 公共接口IValidationDictionary{void AddError(字符串键,字符串消息);bool IsValid {get;}} 


 公共类ValidationDictionary:IValidationDictionary{private ModelStateDictionary _modelState;公共ValidationDictionary(ModelStateDictionary modelState){_modelState = modelState;}公共布尔IsValid{得到{返回_modelState.IsValid;}}公共无效AddError(字符串键,字符串消息){_modelState.AddModelError(key,message);}} 



ModelState 属性的类型为 ModelStateDictioanry ,它是ASP.NET Core特定的类.如果在业务层中使用它,则会创建对ASP.NET Core的依赖,从而无法在ASP.NET Core之外的任何地方重用您的逻辑,即后台工作进程是纯控制台应用程序,因为您都没有引用ASP.NET Core,您也不会拥有HttpContext或其他任何内容.


业务验证和输入验证是两个不同的事物,应该以不同的方式进行处理. ModelStateDictionary 用于输入验证,以验证传递给控制器​​的输入.这并不意味着要验证业务逻辑或类似的东西!




IDicitionary< string,ModelStateEntry> 转换为自定义验证模型/ ValidationResult

ValidationResult 是在System.Components.DataAnnotations程序集中定义的,该程序集不绑定到ASP.NET Core,而是.NET Core/完整.NET Framework的端口,因此您不会获得依赖ASP.NET Core,并且可以在控制台应用程序等中重用它,并使用工厂类将其传递到您的验证服务中

 公共接口IAccoutServiceFactory{IAccountService创建(List< ValidationResult> validationResults);}//在控制器中List< ValidationResult>validateResults = ConvertToValidationResults(ModelState);IAccountService accountService = accountServiceFactory.Create( 




为此,您可以使用Fluent Validations之类的框架,该框架可以使验证更容易,更易于管理



 公共接口IValidator< T>其中T:类{bool TryValidate(T模型,out List< ValidationErrorModel> validationResults);List< ValidationErrorModel>验证(T模型);} 


 公共类ModelValidator:IModelValidator{公共列表< ValidationErrorModel>验证T(T模型){//提供者是IServiceProvidervar validateator = provider.RequireService(typeof(IValidator< T>)));返回validator.Validate(模型);}} 


上述内容的替代形式,但使用验证属性作为基础和自定义逻辑.您可以使用 System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations 中的 Validator.TryValidateObject 来验证模型 ValidatorAttributes .但是请注意,它只会验证传递的模型属性,而不会验证子模型.

  List< ValidationResult>结果=新的List< ValidationResult>();varvalidationContext =新的ValidationContext(model);if(!Validator.TryValidateObject(model,validateContext,results)){//验证失败} 




I am trying to inject the ModelState of the controller into my Service layer to add business logic related validation errors (e.g. entry already exists).

For this I created a new IValidationDictionary that gets injected into my service through an Initialize() function. Nothing new at all and judging by my google searches something quite some people do in MVC.

The Controller constructor looks like this:

public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
   _accountService = accountService;
   _accountService.Initialize(new ValidationDictionary(ModelState));

This all works fine and I can add errors in my service. The issue comes when leaving the service again. At that point none of my errors are present in the controller ModelState. After some debugging I found out that the ModelState in the constructor of the controller is not the same as in the Action. At some point it seems to create a new ModelState.

One alternative seems to be to call the Initialize() to inject the ModelState at start of every Action. Before I do that, I wanted to ask if anyone has a more elegant way (as in less to type) of solving this.

Edit:The IValidationDictionary:On buisness layer:

public interface IValidationDictionary
        void AddError(string key, string message);
        bool IsValid { get; }

In controller:

public class ValidationDictionary : IValidationDictionary
        private ModelStateDictionary _modelState;

        public ValidationDictionary(ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            _modelState = modelState;

        public bool IsValid
                return _modelState.IsValid;

        public void AddError(string key, string message)
            _modelState.AddModelError(key, message);

First and foremost, you shouldn't do that because you will be mixing two things and break separation of concerns and tightly-couple your application.

Tightly coupling

ModelState property is of type ModelStateDictioanry which is a ASP.NET Core specific class. If you use it in your business layer, you create a dependency on ASP.NET Core, making it impossible to reuse your logic anywhere outside of ASP.NET Core, i.e. Background Worker process which is a pure console application because you neither reference ASP.NET Core nor you'll have HttpContext or anything else there.

Separation of concerns

Business validation and input validation are two different things and should be handled differently. ModelStateDictionary is used for input validation, to validate the input passed to your controller. It is not meant to validate business logic or anything like that!

Business validation on the other side is more than just a rough validation of the fields and its patterns. It contains logic and validation may be complex and depend on multiple properties/values as well as of the state of the current object. So for example, values that may pass the input validation may fail in business validation.

So by using both together, you will violate separation of concerns and have a class do more than one thing. This is bad for maintaining code in the long run.

How to work around it?

Convert IDicitionary<string, ModelStateEntry> to a custom validation model/ValidationResult

ValidationResult is defined in System.Components.DataAnnotations` assembly which is not tied to ASP.NET Core but is port of .NET Core/full .NET Framework, so you don't get a dependency on ASP.NET Core and can reuse it in console applications etc. and pass it around in your validation service using i.e. a factory class

public interface IAccoutServiceFactory
    IAccountService Create(List<ValidationResult> validationResults);

// in controller
List<ValidationResult> validationResults = ConvertToValidationResults(ModelState);
IAccountService accountService = accountServiceFactory.Create(

This solves the issue of dependencies, but you still violate separation of concerns, especially if you use the same model in your business layer as you use as controller parameter.

Custom validatior (completely separated)

Its bit more work at the beginning, but your validation will be completely independent and you can change one of it w/o affecting the other one.

For it you can use frameworks like Fluent Validations which may make the validation a bit easier and more managed

You write a custom validator, that will validate the logic of a certain class/model.

The custom validator can be from as simple as writing your own validators per model which may implement such an interface

public interface IValidator<T> where T : class
    bool TryValidate(T model, out List<ValidationErrorModel> validationResults);
    List<ValidationErrorModel> Validate(T model);

and wrap this around your validator class

public class ModelValidator : IModelValidator
    public List<ValidationErrorModel> Validate<T>(T model)
        // provider is a IServiceProvider
        var validator = provider.RequireService(typeof(IValidator<T>));
        return validator.Validate(model);

Custom validatior (validation attribute based)

An alternation of the above, but using the validation attributes as base and custom logic. You can use Validator.TryValidateObject from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to validate a models ValidatorAttributes. Be aware though, that it only will validate the passed models attributes and not of child models.

List<ValidationResult> results = new List<ValidationResult>();
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(model);

if(!Validator.TryValidateObject(model, validateContext, results))
    // validation failed

and then additionally perform custom logic. See this blog post on how to implement child model validation.

Imho the cleanest way to do is a custom validator, as its both separated and decoupled and easily allows you to change logic of a model w/o affecting the validation of other models.

If you are only validating messages (i.e. commands/queries in CQRS) you can use the second approach with the validation attributes.


07-26 05:14