


I have a number of small utils modules that i organize under a 'msa' namespace so I can use in a number of different research projects. Currently I have them organized like this:

# folder structure:
packages  <-- in my pythonpath

# imported and used this like
from msa import msa_pyglet
from msa import msa_math


However I would like to avoid the 'msa_' in the names and use like this:

# folder structure:
packages  <-- in my pythonpath

# imported and used this like
import msa.pyglet
import msa.math

从外部导入时,这不会引起名称冲突,但是,当模块本身导入名称冲突的模块时,就会发生名称冲突.例如. msa/pyglet需要导入pyglet(外部的),但最终尝试导入自身.同样,任何尝试导入标准数学库的模块都只会导入我的数学模块.这都是可以理解的.但是,处理这种问题的常用pythonic方法是什么?我必须给每个模块文件一个全局唯一的名称吗?

This shouldn't cause name conflicts when importing from outside, however there are name conflicts when the modules themselves import modules with conflicting names. E.g. msa/pyglet needs to imports pyglet (the external one), but ends up trying to import itself. Likewise any module which tries to import the standard math library imports only my math module. Which is all understandable. But what is the usual pythonic way of dealing with this? Do I have to give each module file a globally unique name?


在Python 2中,确实在没有包限定符的情况下导入包时,首先会寻找 package local 模块.

In Python 2, imports in packages without a package qualifier indeed first look for package local modules.

因此,import pyglet将在考虑顶级pyglet之前找到msa.pyglet.

Thus, import pyglet will find msa.pyglet before the top-level pyglet is considered.

切换为绝对导入以使Python 3行为成为默认行为,其中不合格的名称始终为顶级名称:

Switch to absolute imports to make the Python 3 behaviour the default, where unqualified names are always top level names:

from __future__ import absolute_import

现在,import pyglet只能找到顶级名称,而永远找不到msa.pyglet.要引用msa名称空间中的其他模块,请使用from . import pygletfrom msa import pyglet.

Now import pyglet can only ever find the top-level name, never msa.pyglet. To reference other modules within your msa namespace, use from . import pyglet or from msa import pyglet.

请参见 PEP 328-导入:多行和绝对/相对 以获得更多详细信息.

See PEP 328 -- Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative for more details.


07-11 04:14