

我一直在使用Google的Arch库,但是使测试变得困难的一件事是使用 PagedList

I have been working with the arch libraries from Google, but one thing that has made testing difficult is working with PagedList.


For this example, I am using the repository pattern and returning details from either an API or network.


So within the ViewModel I make a call to this interface method:

override fun getFoos(): Observable<PagedList<Foo>>

然后,存储库将使用 RxPagedListBuilder 创建PagedList类型的 Observable

The Repository will then use RxPagedListBuilder to create the Observable that is of type PagedList:

 override fun getFoos(): Observable<PagedList<Foo>> =
            RxPagedListBuilder(database.fooDao().selectAll(), PAGED_LIST_CONFIG).buildObservable()

我希望能够通过测试来设置这些返回 PagedList< Foo> 的方法的返回值。类似于

I want to be able for tests to setup the return from these methods that return a PagedList<Foo>. Something similar to



  1. 这是

  2. 如何创建 PagedList< Foo>

  1. Is this possible?
  2. How do I create a PagedList<Foo>?


My goal is to verify in a more end-to-end fashion (such as ensuring that the correct list of Foos is displayed on the screen). The fragment/activity/view is the one observing the PagedList<Foo> from a ViewModel.


一种简单的方法,即可通过ViewModel中的 PagedList< Foo> 要实现此目的,就是模拟PagedList。这种乐趣是将列表转换为PagedList(在这种情况下,如果您需要实现PagedList的其他方法,我们将不使用真正的PagedList,而只是使用模拟版本),

an easy way to achieve this, is to mock the PagedList. This fun will "convert" a list to a PagedList (in this case, we are not using the real PagedList rather just a mocked version, if you need other methods of PagedList to be implemented, add them in this fun)

 fun <T> mockPagedList(list: List<T>): PagedList<T> {
     val pagedList = Mockito.mock(PagedList::class.java) as PagedList<T>
     Mockito.`when`(pagedList.get(ArgumentMatchers.anyInt())).then { invocation ->
        val index = invocation.arguments.first() as Int
     return pagedList


10-13 00:10