本文介绍了如何编码Rust Piston图像并将结果存储在内存中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am using the Piston image package to generate images.

fn get_image() -> image::DynamicImage {
    image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(image::ImageBuffer::new(512, 512))

我有一个 hyper Web服务器,我想从中为其提供动态生成的服务图片.

I have a hyper web server, from which I would like to serve dynamically-generated images.

基于对 ,我以为我可以使用Cursor<Vec<u8>>作为目的地.但是,image似乎仅提供一种写入文件名的方法,而不是像光标一样提供Writer的方法.

Based on the answer to How to create an in-memory object that can be used as a Reader or Writer in Rust?, I thought I might be able to use a Cursor<Vec<u8>> as the destination. However, image only seems to provide a method to write to a filename, not a Writer like my cursor.

在仔细阅读了image的文档之后,我希望可以使用某种方法来使用直接使用image::png::PNGEncoder结构.它提供了一个公共方法encode(self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> Result<()>.但是,我不确定data参数应该是什么,并且找不到任何ImageBuffer使用的ColorType的公共声明.

After looking through image's documentation, I hoped there might be some way to use the image::png::PNGEncoder struct directly. It provides a public method encode(self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> Result<()>. However, I wasn't sure what the data argument is supposed to be, and I couldn't find any public declarations of the ColorTypes used by ImageBuffer.

(&Get, "/image.png") => {
    let v = {
        let generated = get_image();
        let mut encoded_image = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        let (width, heigth) = generated.dimensions();
            let encoder = image::png::PNGEncoder::new(&encoded_image);
            encoder.encode(unimplemented!("what goes here?"));

            .with_header(ContentLength(v.len() as u64))

如何编码活塞GenericImage 转换为PNG等格式并将结果存储在内存中?

How do I encode a Piston GenericImage to a format like PNG and get the result in memory?


fn getImage() -> image::DynamicImage


我假设您的意思是 DynamicImage::save .

I assume you mean DynamicImage::save.

save之前的方法是 write_to :

The method immediately before save is write_to:

pub fn write_to<W: Write, F: Into<ImageOutputFormat>>(
    w: &mut W,
    format: F
) -> ImageResult<()>


This accepts any generic writer:

let mut buf = Vec::new();

    .write_to(&mut buf, image::ImageOutputFormat::PNG)
    .expect("Unable to write");



I have no idea the best way to do this. I'd probably copy the generic image into a DynamicImage and then follow the above instructions.

这篇关于如何编码Rust Piston图像并将结果存储在内存中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 09:15