

我想使用 YAML前题作为通用数据管理器的元数据持有者,例如:

I would like to use YAML front matter as a metadata holder for a general purpose data manager, e.g.:

layout: "user"
title: "Mario Brega"
slug: "mario-brega"
  - fire
  - water
  - leaf

# Here I will be using Markdown

yes I will, _I swear_


It is used by many static generators as:

  • docpad.js;
  • Jekyll;
  • Middleman


Question: is there a standard for that? Some tools that I can easily validate against, that for instance agree that all string values should be wrapped in quotes, that booleans should not, and so on.

将YAML前端映射到 JSON模式将会是一大优势.

Mapping the YAML front matter to a JSON schema would be a big plus.


与标准最接近的是 Jekyll的前置事项说明.其他一切似乎都遵循了这一点.如果Jekyll没有发明Yaml Front Matter,那么它们就是首批采用Yaml Front Matter的项目之一.

The closest thing to a standard would be Jekyll's Front Matter description. Everything else seems to follow that. If Jekyll didn't invent Yaml Front Matter, they were one of the first notable projects to feature it.

YAML Lint linter 能够验证我抛出的每个文件的YAML组件.根据 YAML规范,三连字符---界定了文档;一个YAML文件可以包含许多YAML文档.连字号后的Markdown内容仅由短绒短绒丢弃.

The YAML Lint linter has been able to verify the YAML components of every file I've thrown at it. According to the YAML spec, three-hyphens --- delimits documents; a single YAML file can contain many YAML documents. The Markdown content after the hyphen is simply dropped by the linter.


YAML is very loose and forgiving (mostly). Quoting all your strings won't hurt, but you probably don't need to bother.


The desire for some sort of baseline Markdown standard is what led to the CommonMark project.


So, while there is no formal specification, a pattern of best practices has emerged. Sticking to that pattern results in some surprisingly portable and versatile data files.


08-30 08:04