否,rel =" prev"表示与rev =next相同。但是rev属性实际上是未使用的,除了rev =made,这对于某些浏览器来说是一种罕见的特殊情况 。一般来说,rev属性的概念只会混淆 人。 - Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 有关网页制作的网页: http://www.cs。 tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.htmlNo, rel="prev" means the same as rev="next". But the rev attribute isvirtually unused, except for the rev="made", which is a rare idiosyncracyfor some browsers. Generally, the concept of rev attribute just confusespeople.--Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/Pages about Web authoring: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.html Jim Ley写了一些Jscript,它会把它们弹出作为一个可用的 链接列表(至少在IE5和5.5,依靠机器在 MS'自己的IE5WA网络配件上)。所以我认为IE浏览器 并不完全忽略它们是公平的,即使它 - 默认情况下 - 不是将它们渲染成任何有用的方式。Jim Ley wrote a bit of Jscript which would pop them up as a usablelist of links (at least in IE5 and 5.5, relying on the machinery inMS''s own IE5WA web accessories). So I think it''s fair to say that IEis not entirely ignoring them, even though it - by default - isn''trendering them in any useful way. 我们只有两个模糊的定义。 We only have two vague definitions. 来自W3C他们自己同意。 但各种研究已经在网上公布; http://www.subotnik.net/html/link.html 本身就很有用,并且 也引用了相当的内容相关材料的链接列表。From the W3C themselves, agreed.But various studies have been published on the web; http://www.subotnik.net/html/link.html is useful in its own right, andalso cites quite a list of links to relevant material. 这篇关于链接(rel和rev)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-15 08:09