

我想在不完全卸载VisualSVN的情况下尝试AnkhSVN的功能(即与Red Gate SQL Changeset工具集成).感觉很狡猾,所以我想看看是否有人能减轻或证实我的恐惧.

I'd like to try out a feature of AnkhSVN (namely, integration with Red Gate SQL Changeset tool) without doing an complete uninstall of VisualSVN. It feels dodgy, so I wanted to see if anyone else had experience that would either alleviate or confirm my fears.


So I tried uninstalling VisualSVN and dropping in Ankh. As far as working within VSS itself, the change was completely transparent. Sadly, SQLChangeset did not work with this plugin, so that part of it was in vain.


Switching back was also painless, even to the point of not having to re-enter my license. So, good knowledge but no joy on the long-term goal.


排序.我已经能够同时在Visual Studio上安装 VisualSVN和AnkhSVN.但是,您将无法同时使用两者. VisualSVN是一个加载项,而AnkhSVN是一个真正的源代码控制插件.要使用其中一个,只需禁用源代码控制绑定(对于AnkhSVN)或禁用插件(对于VisualSVN).

Sort of. I've been able to install VisualSVN and AnkhSVN on Visual Studio at the same time. However, you won't be able to use both at the same time. VisualSVN is an add-in, while AnkhSVN is truly a source control plugin. To use one or the other, you simply have to disable source control binding (for AnkhSVN) or disable the plugin (for VisualSVN).

但是,根据我的经验,我发现VisualSVN是比AnkhSVN更好的客户端. VisualSVN可以高效地处理忽略用户文件(* .suo)并将项目添加到Subversion的过程.另一方面,AnkhSVN给我带来了一些困难.

In my experience, though, I've found that VisualSVN was a much better client than AnkhSVN. VisualSVN handles ignoring user files (*.suo) and adding projects to Subversion very efficiently. AnkhSVN on the other hand, caused me some difficulty.



09-11 05:24