


在Windows 2008服务器上,已使用tortoisesvn从远程Windows 7计算机创建了svn存储库.我们想将资源库加载到VisualSVN中,请参考 https://www.visualsvn.com/support/topic/00010/.设置文件位置和新存储库位置后,单击导入按钮,将出现类似于以下消息的错误(从内存写入).

On a windows 2008 server, a svn repository has been created using tortoisesvn from a remote Windows 7 machine. We would like to load the repository into VisualSVN, ref https://www.visualsvn.com/support/topic/00010/. After setting the file location and the new repository location, and clicking the import button, there is an error similar to the following message (written from memory).

error: Expected fs format between '1' and '4'; found format '6'

该怎么办才能解决此错误?我读过以前的文章,暗示问题是svn版本.是否可以将存储库以较旧的格式保存?已打开命令窗口,但无法识别命令svn和svnadmin.在VisualSVN服务器启动窗口的右下角,有一个显示版本的链接. svn版本为1.6xxx.

What should be done to resolve this error? I had read previous posts suggesting the issue was the svn version. Is it possible to save the repository in an older format? A command window was opened, but the commands svn and svnadmin were not recognized. On the bottom right of the VisualSVN server splash window, there is a link to show the version. The svn version was 1.6xxx.

类似的帖子 http://issues.tmatesoft.com/issue/SVNKIT-413 SVN错误:"1"和"3";找到格式"4"

升级visualsvn的步骤 https://www.visualsvn.com/support/topic/00036/

Steps for upgrading visualsvnhttps://www.visualsvn.com/support/topic/00036/

此帖子与以前的帖子有关:从linux redhat访问Windows主机上的svn存储库

This post is related to previous post:Access svn repository on windows host from linux redhat


One solution is to use svnadmin

svnadmin的位置,请参见此链接的底部: https://www.visualsvn. com/support/topic/00010/

location of svnadmin, see bottom of this link: https://www.visualsvn.com/support/topic/00010/


To migrate to different svn version, follow transfer repository steps: How do I export (and then import) a Subversion repository?

此处描述了从toitisesvn迁移到apachee/svn(VisualSVN): http://www.meinbinary.com/2009/09/migrating-local-repository-created-with.html

Migrate from toitisesvn to apachee/svn (VisualSVN) is described here: http://www.meinbinary.com/2009/09/migrating-local-repository-created-with.html

此处向底部描述了一般的迁移过程: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch05s03.html#svn-ch-5-sect-3.5

General migration proceedure is described here, towards the bottom: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch05s03.html#svn-ch-5-sect-3.5



使用最新的VisualSVN Server发行版,该版本也具有SVN 1.8.*在后端(3.0.1)上,不像猛ma的废话版本古老,早于现有存储库,FS格式(SVN 1.6无法处理1.8存储库)

Use up-to-date VisualSVN Server distro, which have also SVN 1.8.* at backend (3.0.1), not ancient as mammoth's bullshit version with older, than existing repository, FS format (SVN 1.6 can't handle 1.8 repositories)


从Win7-box(或具有SVN 1.8客户端并可以访问原始存储库的任何其他盒子)中,创建存储库转储并将此转储加载到仍然过时的现有 VisualSVN Server安装中(svnadmin必须存在于路径%VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\svnadmin上),而不是使用CLI工具GUI

From Win7-box (or any other box, which have SVN 1.8 client and can reach original repo), create dump of repo and load this dump into still outdated existing VisualSVN Server installation (svnadmin must exist on path %VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\svnadmin), using CLI-tools, not GUI



09-07 21:01