我的应用程序发送给第三方SOA服务器的数据中包含复杂的XML。服务器所有者确实提供了XML模式( .xsd
Among the data my application sends to a third-party SOA server are complex XMLs. The server owner does provide the XML schemas (.xsd
) and, since the server rejects invalid XMLs with a meaningless message, I need to validate them locally before sending.
我可以使用独立的XML模式验证器,但它们很慢,主要是因为解析模式文件所需的时间。所以我以 HTTP Server 的形式编写了自己的模式验证器(在Java中,如果这很重要),它缓存已经解析过的模式。
I could use a stand-alone XML schema validator but they are slow, mainly because of the time required to parse the schema files. So I wrote my own schema validator (in Java, if that matters) in the form of an HTTP Server which caches the already parsed schemas.
The problem is: many things can go wrong in the course of the validation process. Other than unexpected exceptions and successful validation:
- 服务器可能找不到指定的模式文件
- 指定的文件可能不是有效的模式文件
- XML对模式文件无效
因为它是HTTP服务器,所以我想为客户端提供有意义的状态代码。对于上述所有情况,服务器是否应回答 400 错误(错误请求)?或者它们与HTTP无关,它应该在正文中回复 200 ?还有其他任何建议吗?
Since it's an HTTP Server I'd like to provide the client with meaningful status codes. Should the server answer with a 400 error (Bad request) for all the above cases? Or they have nothing to do with HTTP and it should answer 200 with a message in the body? Any other suggestion?
更新:主应用程序是用 Ruby 编写的,没有什么好处xml架构验证库,因此单独的验证服务器不会过度工程化。
Update: the main application is written in Ruby, which doesn't have a good xml schema validation library, so a separate validation server is not over-engineering.
It's a perfectly valid thinking to map error situations in the validation process to meaningful HTTP status codes.
I suppose you send the XML file to your validation server as a POST content using the URI to determine a specific schema for validation.
So here are some suggestions for error mappings:
- 200:XML内容有效
- 400:XML内容格式不正确,标头不一致,请求与RFC 2616语法不匹配
- 401:在缓存中找不到架构,服务器需要使用凭据用于对第三方SOA后端进行身份验证以获取模式文件
- 404:未找到模式文件
- 409:XML内容无效针对指定的模式
- 412:指定的文件不是有效的XMl模式
- 500:验证服务器中的任何意外异常(NullPointerExceptions等。 )
- 502:在缓存中找不到架构,尝试从第三方SOA服务器请求它失败。
- 503:验证服务器ver正在重新启动
- 504:请参见502 with reason = timeout
- 200: XML content is valid
- 400: XML content was not well-formed, header were inconsistent, request did not match RFC 2616 syntax
- 401: schema was not found in cache and server needs credentials to use for authentication against the 3rd party SOA backend in order to obtain the schema file
- 404: Schema file not found
- 409: the XML content was invalid against the specified schema
- 412: Specified file was not a valid XMl schema
- 500: any unexpected exception in your validation server (NullPointerExceptions et al.)
- 502: the schema was not found in cache and the attempt to request it from the 3rd party SOA server failed.
- 503: validation server is restarting
- 504: see 502 with reason=timeout