I am having following two table which stores information about Credit and Debit records.
voucherCr 表包含
voucherCr table contains
voucherType voucherPrefix voucherNo crparty cramount
SALES S 1 1 43000
SALES S 2 1 10000
voucherDr 表包含
voucherDr table contains
voucherType voucherPrefix voucherNo drparty dramount
SALES S 1 5 43000
SALES S 2 5 10000
现在在这里,在 SALES 凭证 S/1 中,第 1 方已向第 5 方贷记了 43000 的金额.销售凭证 S/2 也是如此,其中第一方已被记入 10000 的金额,而第五方的金额相同.
Now here, in SALES voucher S/1, party 1 has been credit with 43000 amount agains party 5 of same amount. Same is with SALES voucher S/2, where party 1 has been credited with 10000 amount against party 5 of same amount.
现在我想显示如下结果 如果我查询第 1 方
Now I want to display results as follows If i query about party 1
PARTY CREDIT DEBIT DEBITPARTY voucherType voucherPrefix voucherNo
1 43000 5 SALES S 1
1 10000 5 SALES S 2
If i have understood your question properly then this is what you are looking for
Select c.crParty as Party, d.dramount as credit , null as debit,
d.drParty as DEBITPARTY,c.voucherType as voucherType,
from VoucherCr as c inner join VoucherDr as d
on c.voucherNo=d.VoucherNo and c.voucherPrefix=d.voucherPrefix
where c.crparty=1
group by d.dramount,c.cramount,d.voucherPrefix,d.voucherNo,c.crParty,
order by d.dramount desc