


I'm a newbie to R and am trying to install the gdata package so that I can work with excel files. When I tried to load the package, I received the following message:

> library(gdata) 
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED. 
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files ENABLED. 
Attaching package: ‘gdata’ 
The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’: 
The following object is masked from ‘package:utils’: 

我不确定,是否应该关注最后两行.据我从其他帖子中了解到,它们是我输入的某些R函数可能会被覆盖的通知.在gdata中,反之亦然,具体取决于我的设置.但是我在任何地方的屏幕上都看不到gdata的痕迹(例如,当我加载JGR时,控制台中会弹出一个新窗口).一切看上去与我加载gdata之前相同. 能否请您确认是否表示我已成功加载gdata?

I'm not sure, if I should be concerned about the last two lines. As far as I understood from other posts, they are a notice that some R functions I type in may be overridden in gdata, and vice-versa depending on my settings. But I see no trace of gdata on my screen anywhere (for example when I load JGR a new window pops up in my console). Everything looks the same as before I had loaded gdata. Can you please confirm if that means I have successfully loaded gdata?





If "gdata" is inside, then the package is successfully loaded. I suspect the package has been loaded, because you got the warning message for masking.


You don't need to worry too much about masking. You can always do gdata::nobs and stats::nobs to call nobs function in different packages. Similarly, you can always do gdata::object.size and utils::object.size to get the right function.


10-20 18:22