


Does anybody know any good resources for learning how to program CIL with in-depth descriptions of commands, etc.? I have looked around but not found anything particularly good.



The only CIL book on my shelf is Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler by Serge Lidin. In terms of what the individual opcodes do or mean, the Microsoft documentation on System.Reflection.Emit has some pretty good information. And it's always useful to look at existing IL with Reflector.

编辑: .NET 2.0和.NET 3.5之间的CIL(甚至实际上是CLR)完全没有变化-基础运行时基本相同,模块修复和性能改进。因此,在CIL级别上没有什么比在2.0本书中提供的更新

CIL (and indeed the CLR in general) has not changed at all between .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5 -- the underlying runtime is basically the same, modulo fixes and performance improvements. So there's nothing newer available on a CIL level than what would be in a book on 2.0


10-28 08:55