


I'm trying to write a EPL parser,so I'm learning flex and bison.I try using it with following rules(SQL):

SELECT { cout<<"SELECT detected"<<endl;return SELECT; }
FROM { cout<<"FROM detected"<<endl;return FROM;}
[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]* { cout<<"IDENTIFIER detected"<<endl;yylval.c=yytext;
                         return IDENTIFIER; }
'$' { return DOL;}
[ \t] { cout<<"space founded:"<<int(yytext[0])<<endl; }
\n { return EOL;}
. {}


sel_stmt : {cout<<"VOID"<<endl;}
         | SELECT identifier_expr FROM identifier_expr {    cout<<"select statement founded"<<endl; }

identifier_expr : DOL IDENTIFIER {

所有令牌和非终结符的类型均为"char *"

all tokens and non-terminals have type "char*"

因为来自stdin的输入是从$ ddd中选择$ abc"词法分析器在"identifier_expr"操作中返回令牌FROM时发生倒退,输出为"ident_expr:abc来自"为什么会这样?

as the input from stdin is "select $abc from $ddd"reudction happend when lexer returned token FROM,in "identifier_expr" action ,output is"ident_expr:abc from"why this happened?


如果要在flex操作之外使用令牌字符串(yytext),则必须创建的副本. yytext指向的字符串是一个临时值,重新输入词法分析器后将立即对其进行修改.

You must create a copy of the token string (yytext) if you want to use it outside of the flex action. The string pointed to by yytext is a temporary value, and will be modified as soon as the lexer is re-entered.

请参见 bison FAQ flex手册或任何数量的SO问题(由于许多发问者误诊了该问题,因此较难搜索).

See the bison FAQ, the flex manual, or any number of SO questions (which are harder to search for because many of the questioners misdiagnose the problem).


08-29 12:41