


I am learning about OO and classes, I have a couple of questions about OO and classes in PHP

  1. 理解它,扩展另一个类的类简单地意味着扩展另一个类的类可以访问变量/属性和它所扩展的类的函数/方法。这是正确的吗?

  1. As I understand it, a class that extends another class simply means that the class that extends the other class has access to the variables/properties and the functions/methods of the class that it is extending from. Is this correct?


I know that a static method or property are basically the same as a procedural function or variable outside of a class and can be used pretty much anywhere. Is this correct?


Public means any class can access it and Private means only the class that is is encapsulated in or a class that is extended from the owner of can access and use. Is this correct?


子类继承其父类的任何 protected public 属性和方法。任何声明 private 的东西都不能使用。

1) Yes, that's correct. A child class inherits any protected or public properties and methods of its parent. Anything declared private can not be used.

2)这是真的。只要类被加载(这与以前的自动加载问题很好),您可以通过范围解析运算符(::)访问静态方法,如下所示: ClassName :: methodName();

2) This is true. As long as the class is loaded (this goes well with your autoloading question from before), you can access static methods via the scope resolution operator (::), like this: ClassName::methodName();

3)你有 public 的含义, , private 方法只能由它们声明的类使用。

3) You have the meaning of public correct, but as I mentioned earlier, private methods can only be used by the class they are declared in.

class parentClass
     private $x;
     public $y;

class childClass extends parentClass
    public function __construct() {
        echo $this->x;

$z = new childClass();

上述代码将导致 NOTICE 错误被触发,因为$ x不能被childClass访问。

The above code will result in a NOTICE error being triggered, as $x is not accessible by childClass.

如果$ x被声明为 protected childClass 将具有访问权限。编辑:声明为 protected 的属性可以由声明它的类和扩展它的任何子类访问,否则不能访问外部世界。它是 public private 之间的很好的中间。

If $x was declared protected instead, then childClass would have access. A property declared as protected is accessible by the class that declares it and by any child classes that extend it, but not to the "outside world" otherwise. It's a nice intermediate between public and private.


08-21 17:27