本文介绍了在Google Apps脚本中使用Adwords API(MccApp)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个用GAS(Google Apps脚本)编写的自定义API,并且想从其中使用Adwords API.

I have a custom API written in GAS (Google Apps Script) and would like to utilize the Adwords API from within it.


Sometimes used along with the MccApp, the service is readily available from within Adwords Scripts itself (My Client Center > Scripts).


            function account(client) {
              var result = {
                  'id': null,
                  'campaigns': {}
              result.id = client.getCustomerId()
              var currentAct = AdWordsApp.currentAccount()
              var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns().get()
              while (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
                  var campaign = campaignIterator.next()
                  result.campaigns[campaign.getName()] = campaign.getId()
              return result

但是,此API在Google Apps脚本中尚不可用.我曾尝试在资源>高级Google服务"下以及在开发者控制台下启用它,但是UI没有提供我可以看到的选项.

However, this API is not readily available inside a Google Apps Script. I have tried enabling it under "Resources > Advanced Google Services" and also under the developer console, but the UI offers no option that I can see.

问题:是否可以在Google Apps脚本中启用AdwordsApp和MccApp的使用,以便上述代码段可以在GAS中使用?

QUESTION: Is it possible to enable use of the AdwordsApp and MccApp inside a Google Apps script so that the above code snippet would work in GAS?


If not, I understand already there are two workarounds:

  1. 只需使用Adwords脚本

  1. Just use Adwords Script


Communicate with the API from GAS as though it were an external service (i.e... using SOAP, REST, etc...)


经过大量研究,实际上没有办法添加MccApp和AdwordsApp服务以在Google Apps脚本中使用.最接近的解决方案是像与API进行外部通信一样,或者仅使用Adwords脚本.

After much research, there really is no way to add the MccApp and AdwordsApp services for use in a Google Apps script. The nearest solution is to communicate with the API as though it were external or just use an Adwords Script.

这篇关于在Google Apps脚本中使用Adwords API(MccApp)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-03 11:04