自从 dotnet 核心移回 .csproj
格式后,有一个新的自动生成的 MyProject.AssemblyInfo.cs
Since dotnet core moved back to the .csproj
format, there is a new autogenerated MyProject.AssemblyInfo.cs
which contains, among others:
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("MyProject")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
Note that this is automatically regenerated every build.Previously, the file was found in the /obj/ directory, now it appears to be only in memory as the file can't be found on disk and clicking the error message does not open any file.
因为它们是在那里定义的,所以我不能在经典的 AssemblyInfo.cs
Since they are defined there, I can't define them myself in the classical AssemblyInfo.cs
Where/how can I define the Company and Version of a project?
您已经注意到,您可以在 .csproj 中控制大部分设置.
As you've already noticed, you can control most of these settings in .csproj.
如果您希望将这些保留在 AssemblyInfo.cs 中,您可以关闭自动生成的程序集属性.
If you'd rather keep these in AssemblyInfo.cs, you can turn off auto-generated assembly attributes.
如果您想了解幕后发生的事情,请查看 Microsoft.NET.GenerateAssemblyInfo.targets 位于 Microsoft.NET.Sdk 中.
If you want to see what's going on under the hood, checkout Microsoft.NET.GenerateAssemblyInfo.targets inside of Microsoft.NET.Sdk.
这篇关于相当于 dotnet core/csproj 中的 AssemblyInfo的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!