我想知道为什么我的 ProcessCmdKey 在我按下按钮时会触发两次.这是我的代码:
I'm wondering why my ProcessCmdKey fires twice, when i press the button. Here's my code:
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if (keyData == Keys.Escape)
if (this.tsComboBoxFontChoice.Focused)
this.tsComboBoxFontChoice.Text = this.startFontComboBoxText;
this.isEscClicked = true;
return true;
else if (this.tsComboBoxFontSizeChoice.Focused)
this.tsComboBoxFontSizeChoice.Text = this.startFontSizeComboBoxText;
return true;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
我还为我的表单定义了 KeyDown 事件,这可能是原因吗?
I have also defined KeyDown event for my form, might it be the reason?
还有一点:如果我想为 RichTextBox 定义 KeyDown/KeyUp/KeyPressed 事件,它会不会与 ProcessCmdKey 发生冲突?我从来没有覆盖默认方法,但这次我被迫.
And one more: if I would like to define KeyDown/KeyUp/KeyPressed event for the RichTextBox, won't it collide with ProcessCmdKey? I've never overriden default methods, but this time I am forced to.
我相信您的 ProcessCmdKey
I believe the reason your ProcessCmdKey
is firing multiple times is this:
ProcessCmdKey 方法首先判断控件是否有 ContextMenu,如果有,则启用 ContextMenu 处理命令键.如果命令键不是菜单快捷方式并且控件有父项,则该键将传递给父项的 ProcessCmdKey 方法.最终效果是命令键在控件层次结构中冒泡".除了用户按下的键之外,键数据还指示与该键同时按下的修饰键(如果有).修饰键包括 SHIFT、CTRL 和 ALT 键.
每个 MSDN:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.control.processcmdkey(v=vs.110).aspx
In your method there, I see you're checking which control is focused. So this method is firing for that control, then for the parent control (which I assume is the form) because it's unlikely that focused control has has a shortcut key or whatever.
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