

我正在为公司进行时间表项目.我正在使用Asp.net,c#和SQl Server.我的客户给了我要求,他需要页面上的3个按钮,Huddle Session,Lunch和Training.当用户要进行闲聊会话,午餐和培训时,他将单击此按钮.当click事件触发时,将弹出一个包含计时器的弹出窗口,直到用户不会回来并单击该弹出窗口并停止计时器为止,该计时器将运行并以分钟格式计算用户所花费的时间.停止将持续时间存储到数据库中的计时器.计时器在弹出菜单中看起来就像是秒表.


I m working on time sheet project for my company. I m using Asp.net ,c# and SQl Server.My client had given me the requirement that he need 3 buttons, Huddle Session,Lunch and Training on the page. As the user is going either for Huddle session, Lunch and training he will click on this buttons. As the click event fires a pop up will appears which contain a Timer and till the user will not come back and click on that pop up window and stop the timer ,that timer will run and calculate the time spent in Minutes Format, As the User Stop the timer that Duration will store in to the database.The Timer would be look like a stop watch in the pop up menu.
Please guide me that how i achieve this and also share the code snippets if already have with any one worked on similar functionality.

Thanks In advance and looking for a positive response.



08-19 00:58