


  1. 请分享您的真实世界。 p>

  2. 如果你有两个,你能比较这两个吗?



  1. 我正在建立一个商业产品,是高到高; DB4O说我们可以谈论它,但是我是一个非常小的开发商店,提供了每一个销售的巨大的块我只是没有任何意义,当有一个完美的替代品。

  2. 我使用Db4oTool.exe在后构建步骤中修改我的assmeblies,它真的减慢了构建过程。 Eloquera不需要修改我的程序集。

  3. 我在DB4O代码中发现了一个错误,它花了很多个月才被集成到他们的代码库。

  4. DB4O还没有在.NET 4上(虽然他们终于有了早期的测试版) 。 DB4O是唯一的东西阻止我使用VS2010(和.NET 4)。我尝试迁移到VS2010,但VS2010自动将所有单元测试转换为.NET 4,所以我的所有持久性相关单元测试立即失败。

  5. DB4O不是真的设计为线程安全。

  6. DB4O具有明显从Java移植的功能和许多API功能。


I am evaluating two object databases, db4o (http://www.db4o.com) and Eloquera Database (http://eloquera.com) for a coming project. I have to choose one. My basic requirement is scalability, multi user support and easy type evolution for RAD.

  1. Please share your real world experience.

  2. If you have both, can you compare these two? Which do you prefer?


For the last 2 years I've been using DB4O, and I'm now switching to Eloquera.My reasons, in order:

  1. I'm building a commercial product, and the royalty based licensing on DB4O is WAY to high; DB4O said we could "talk about it", but I'm a very small development shop and giving away a huge chunk of each sale I make just doesn't make any sense when there's a perfectly good alternative.

  2. I'm using the Db4oTool.exe to modify my assmeblies in a post-build step, and it really slows down the build process. Eloquera doesn't need to modify my assemblies.

  3. I found a bug in the DB4O code, and it took many many months before it was integrated into their codebase. I have found bugs in Eloquera and they fixed them in a day or two

  4. DB4O is not yet on .NET 4 (although they finally have an early beta). DB4O is the ONLY thing holding me back from using VS2010 (and .NET 4). I tried migrating to VS2010 but VS2010 automatically converts all unit tests to .NET 4, so all of my persistence related unit tests immediately failed.

  5. DB4O is not really designed to be thread-safe.

  6. DB4O has features and many API features that are obviously ported from Java.



10-14 06:58