


I was hoping you could tell me what the advantages and disadvantages of BPMN are in a developers perspective.


I'm comparing UML with BPMN and a found a bunch of advantages and disadvanteges for UML but none for BPMN.



It's largely down to audience and purpose. In terms of modelling language, BPMN and UML activity diagrams cover pretty much the same conceptual space with different notations. The notation thing gets religious very quickly. I personally prefer AD notation over BPMN - but it's a very personal thing.

从广义上讲,BPMN倾向于受到来自业务流程建模/业务分析背景的人的青睐.从软件角度来看,UML AD倾向于受到那些人的青睐.工具支持倾向于反映这一点:高端流程建模工具(casewise,aris等)更可能支持BPMN;软件建模工具(MagicDraw,Sparx等)支持UML.但是,那里的分频越来越多.我与业务涉众都使用了这两种方法,两种情况都没有问题.

Broadly speaking, BPMN tends to find favour with those coming from a business process modelling / business analysis background. UML ADs tend to be favoured by those coming from a software perspective. Tool support tends to mirror this: the high end process modelling tools (casewise, aris, etc.) are more likely to support BPMN; software modelling tools (MagicDraw, Sparx, etc.) favour UML. However there's increasing crossover there. I've used both with business stakeholders with no issues in either case.


Finally is purpose. Are your diagrams going to be for human consumption only or used as a specification for some form of analysis/code generation? If it's not just pictures then your tool chain may well be the deciding factor.


If you want a more detailed description of the differences, have a look at the answer in this forum post.


06-30 21:28