


Does openfire support User / contact blocking??


I am creating a XMPP based chat. Now i want my users to have a facility by which they can actively block a certain person from chatting with them.

我知道XMPP已经为通信阻止(在隐私列表" [XEP-0016]中定义),以及对隐私列表的简化界面(在简单通信阻止"中定义)[XEP-0191].

I know XMPP have defined an extension forcommunications blocking (defined in Privacy Lists[XEP-0016]), as well as a stripped-down interface to privacy lists (defined in Simple Communications Blocking[XEP-0191]).


But when implementing these extension a server request of blocking the user gives me a response

我的问题是openfire(我使用的是Openfire 3.7.1)是否支持这些扩展,如果可以,我应该去哪里并启用堵塞功能

My questions is does openfire(I am using Openfire 3.7.1) supports these extensions if yes where should I go and enable the plugging if not what is the alternate available


Openfire支持隐私列表XEP(并且已经存在很长时间了,包括您所指的3.7.1.release). Spark客户端(IgniteRealtime.org上的另一个项目)可以利用此功能.该客户端还具有调试窗口,您可以在其中查看交换了哪些相关XMPP节以建立列表.

Openfire supports the privacy list XEP (and has been since a long time, including the 3.7.1.release that you're referring to). The Spark client (another project on IgniteRealtime.org) can make use of this. This client also sports a debug window, in which you can see what related XMPP stanzas are exchanged to set up the list.


10-26 22:19