


I'm a newbie to XMPP and I'm looking to basically connect the PHP to an OpenFire installation on my localhost.


This is a piece of code I found (hack and slash I know but I can't seem to wrap my head around this). Anyway code just simply sends a message:


    //username = user without domain, "user" and not "user@server" - home is the resource
    $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('my.server', 5222, 'username', 'password', 'home');
    // Enables TLS - enabled by default, call before connect()!
    $conn->message('[email protected]', 'This is a test message!');



My question is what should I replace my.server with ? Tried looking but I couldn't find anything


I have no idea what that means idea.


username and password ? Is that of any user on my OpenFire?


I'm looking for more advice than complete solutions. Thanks For Anything. Oh And Happy New Year!



Actually you also know a little about Openfire ,so this is the key point .

在这种情况下,Openfire是您的IM服务器,而php代码段是您的IM客户端.连接到IM服务器之前,应在Openfire管理控制台中进行一些配置.如您所说安装Openfire locahost,然后启动Openfire并在浏览器http://localhost:9090/中访问,如果您从未执行此步骤,则意味着您尚未完成Openfire的设置.进行配置时,您将看到admin用户设置和密码以及其他一些参数.完成此步骤后,您可以使用管理员用户名和密码登录Openfire.

In this case , Openfire is your IM Server and the php snippet is your IM client . Before you connect to your IM server you should make some configuration in Openfire admin console . As you said install Openfire locahost ,then start Openfire and visit in your browser http://localhost:9090/ , if you never do this step , this means you do not finish to setup Openfire . When you make configuration you will see the admin user setting and password and some other parameters . After this step , you can login to Openfire by your admin username and password .


If you want to more test user , pleas visit Openfire admin console again ,and click user tab to new more users .

my.server =本地主机,home =您喜欢的任何字符串,这是XMPP中的资源,通常我们使用客户端应用程序版本(例如spark 2.0或xmpphp3.8).

my.server = localhost,home = any string you like , this the resource in XMPP usually we use client application version like spark 2.0 or xmpphp3.8 .


10-15 09:58