

我想通过 C# 控制风扇速度.我尝试过 WMI,但它对我不起作用:/我有带英特尔酷睿 i5、Windows 7 HomePremium 64 位的 HP ProBook.有没有其他方法来控制风扇速度(获取温度,将风扇速度设置为更高或更低的值或禁用/启用它)?

I wanna control fan speed by C#. I tried WMI but it does not work for me :/ I have HP ProBook with Intel Core i5, Windows 7 HomePremium 64-bit. Is there any other way how to control fan speed (get temperature, set fan speed to higher or lower value or disable/enable it)?


我正在尝试为戴尔 Optiplex 740 实现相同的效果.Speed Fan 对我也不起作用.有趣的是,当我寻找一种超频显卡的方法时,我在 evga.com 上发现了一种改变 CPU 风扇速度的方法.这是一个(可怕的)错误......因为它应该控制我的GPU风扇而不是CPU......但是嘿......解决了我没有其他应用程序可以做到的问题.去那里试一试.也许你也可以得到一个快速的解决方案.

Im trying to accomplish the same for a Dell Optiplex 740. Speed Fan also doesnt work for me. The funny part is that when i looked for a way to overclock my Graphic Card i found out under evga.com a way to change my CPU fan Speed.This is a (awsome) bug... As it is suposed to control my GPU fan and not CPU... But hey... Solved my issue where no other app does it.Go there and give it a try. Maybe you can also get a quick solution.


06-30 12:17