本文介绍了如何运行一个新的Jupyter Notebook文件,它不是Docker中预先建立的码头图像的一部分?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Docker的新人。为了进行Udacity深度学习课程,我必须在Windows机器上使用Docker设置TensorFlow。 (虽然TensorFlow现在在Windows上可用,但它只支持Python 3.5,但是Udacity课程材料需要Python 2.7,因此,我必须坚持使用Docker的方式使用TensorFlow。)


然而,我现在想要运行的课程最终项目是不是预先制作的Udacity泊坞窗影像的一部分。我怎样才能做到这一点? ,使用digit_recognition .ipynb特别是在docker中运行的文件。




  • 只需像这样启动你的容器:$ docker start -ai

  • 然后,单击上传按钮,找到最终的
    项目iPython Notebook文件并上传。


I am new to Docker. In order to take the Udacity Deep Learning course, I had to set up TensorFlow on my Windows machine using Docker. (Although TensorFlow is now available on Windows, it only supports Python 3.5, however the Udacity course material requires Python 2.7. Therefore, I have to stick with the Docker way of using TensorFlow.)

To work on the assignments, I followed the instructions here as detailed below:

  • First, I installed docker toolbox.
  • Then, I launch Docker using the Docker Quickstart Terminal. For the first time, I ran:

docker run -p 8888:8888 --name tensorflow-udacity -it gcr.io/tensorflow/udacity-assignments:0.6.0.

Each time after, I just run this in my docker terminal:

docker start -ai tensorflow-udacity

  • Finally, in the address bar, with I get the assignment Jupyter notebooks up and running (see image below).

However, what I want now is to run the final project of the course which is not part of the pre-built Udacity docker image. How can I do that? The final project can be found here, with the "digit_recognition.ipynb" specifically being the file to run in docker.

Any guidance is much appreciated.


An alternative and much easier way is this:

  • Just start up your container like this: $ docker start -aitensorflow-udacity
  • Then, click the upload button and locate the finalproject iPython Notebook file and upload it.

That's it. Whatever changes you make will be retained and you'll be able to see the new file in the container going forward!

这篇关于如何运行一个新的Jupyter Notebook文件,它不是Docker中预先建立的码头图像的一部分?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 18:25