

这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但我想知道何时使用 bindService 以及何时使用 startService .


如果我将 bindService BIND_AUTO_CREATE 一起使用,则该服务将按如下所示自动启动和创建:

什么时候使用 bindService startService 明智?我真的不正确地理解这两个.


如果您的调用组件( Activity )需要与以下组件通信,则通常使用 bindService()通过 ServiceConnection 启动的 Service .如果您不想与 Service 通信,则可以仅使用 startService().您可以在下面看到服务和绑定服务之间的区别.


您可以在此处了解更多信息: Android服务绑定服务

This may be a stupid question but I would like to know when it is smart to use bindService and when to use startService.

For example:

If I use bindService with BIND_AUTO_CREATE, the service will be started and created automatically as is written here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Context.html#BIND_AUTO_CREATE

When is it smart then to use bindService and when startService? I really don't understand these two correctly.


You usually use bindService() if your calling component(Activity) will need to communicate with the Service that you are starting, through the ServiceConnection. If you do not want to communicate with the Service you can use just startService(). You Can see below diffrence between service and bind service.

From the docs :

You can read more here : Android Services, Bound Services


10-19 22:17