


I am using Retrofit to get a JSON reply.

以下是我实施的部分内容 -

Here are parts of my implementation -

Observable<Bills> listBill(@Query("employee_id") String employeeID);

而班级票据是 -

public static class Bills {
    public ArrayList<BillItem> billItems;

BillItem 类如下 -

public static class BillItem {
    Integer entryID;
    Integer employeeDBID;
    String type;
    String subtype;
    String date;
    String to;
    String from;
    Double amount;
    String location;
    String remark;
    String isPaid;
    String createdAt;
    String updateAt;

问题是REST API有时会返回 BillItem 对象,但有时它只是键值对。如何处理这种情况?

The problem is sometimes the REST API returns an Array of BillItem objects, but sometimes it is just a key-value pair. How does one handle such a situation?

收到此响应后,一切正常,因为 JSONArray 被映射到 ArrayList< BillItem> -

When this response is received, everything works fine because the JSONArray gets mapped to the ArrayList<BillItem> -

      "created_at":"2016-02-01 10:36:38",
      "updated_at":"2016-02-01 10:36:38"
     "date":"2016-02-02 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 13:52:52",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 13:52:52"
     "date":"2016-02-01 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 14:39:48",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 14:39:48"

但是,有时响应是这样的,它给出了 JsonSyntaxException -

But, sometimes the response is this, and it gives a JsonSyntaxException -

      "created_at":"2016-02-01 10:36:38",
      "updated_at":"2016-02-01 10:36:38"
     "date":"2016-02-02 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 13:52:52",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 13:52:52"
     "subtype":"Car",":"2016-02-01 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 14:39:48",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 14:39:48"
     "date":"2016-02-01 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 17:43:43",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 17:43:43"
     "date":"2016-02-01 00:00:00",
     "created_at":"2016-02-01 17:53:58",
     "updated_at":"2016-02-01 17:53:58"




When you use a Gson deserializer you can check the type in the JsonElement:

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(BillItem.class, new BillItemDeserializer())
            .registerTypeAdapter(Bills.class, new BillsDeserializer())

RestAdapter.Builder builder = new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson));

public class BillsDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<StringList> {

    public Bills deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
            JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
         BillItemList value = new BillItemList();
         if (json.isJsonArray()) {
             for (JsonElement element : json.getAsJsonArray()) {
                 value.add(gson.fromJson(element, BillItem.class));
         } else {
             value.add(gson.fromJson(element, BillItem.class));
         return value;



09-25 18:38