@peter Thomas不知道您是否已查看/听说过报告门户- https://github.com/reportportal/reportportal .这很有趣,如果将空手道与之集成,那就太好了.我还看到那里有人提出了一个问题- https://github.com/reportportal/agent-java-cucumber/issues/18 .我将尝试整合并让您知道,我只是向您建议一些可以增加价值的东西.你的想法?谢谢.
@peter Thomas Not sure if you have seen/heard of reportportal - https://github.com/reportportal/reportportal. This is interesting and It would be great if karate integrates with it. I also saw some one raising an issue there - https://github.com/reportportal/agent-java-cucumber/issues/18. I will try integrating and let you know and I am just suggesting something to you which can be a good value add. Your thoughts? Thanks.
好吧,我们不赞成使用TestNG运行程序,因此除非社区做出贡献,否则这可能是一个问题: https://twitter.com/KarateDSL/status/1025067559027179521
Well we are deprecating the TestNG runner so that may be an issue unless there is community contribution: https://twitter.com/KarateDSL/status/1025067559027179521