


We put all of our unit tests in their own projects. We find that we have to make certain classes public instead of internal just for the unit tests. Is there anyway to avoid having to do this. What are the memory implication by making classes public instead of sealed?


如果您使用 .NET,InternalsVisibleTo 程序集属性允许您创建朋友"程序集.这些是特定的强命名程序集,允许访问其他程序集的内部类和成员.

If you're using .NET, the InternalsVisibleTo assembly attribute allows you to create "friend" assemblies. These are specific strongly named assemblies that are allowed to access internal classes and members of the other assembly.

注意,这应该谨慎使用,因为它紧密耦合了所涉及的程序集.InternalsVisibleTo 的一个常见用途是用于单元测试项目.由于上述原因,它可能不是在您的实际应用程序程序集中使用的好选择.

Note, this should be used with discretion as it tightly couples the involved assemblies. A common use for InternalsVisibleTo is for unit testing projects. It's probably not a good choice for use in your actual application assemblies, for the reason stated above.


[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("NameAssemblyYouWantToPermitAccess")]
namespace NameOfYourNameSpace


10-24 23:36