本文介绍了Visual Studio 2008 Web 项目(网站)如何从项目中排除文件夹的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 VS 2008 中有一个 Web 应用程序或网站.在调试会话期间,一个文件夹中填充了超过 50 000 个文件.问题是,一旦这些文件夹填充了所有文件,Visual Studio 就需要永远加载.

I have a web application or web site in VS 2008. One folder gets populated with over 50 000 files during a debugging session. The problem is that it takes forever for Visual Studio to load once these folders are populated with all the files.

在类库项目中,我可以右键单击并从项目中排除.如何使用 Visual Studio 2008 从网站项目中排除文件夹/目录?

In a class library project I can right click and exclude from project. How is it possible to exclude a folder/directory from a web site project using Visual Studio 2008?


不理想,但您可以将文件夹设置为隐藏在资源管理器中,然后它们不会加载到 Visual Studio...

Not ideal, but you can set the folders to hidden in explorer, then they don't get loaded into Visual Studio...


Not ideal at all , because once the directories are hidden code that is writing files to these directories fail with permission errors.

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07-22 07:31