我已经下载了最新版本的 Android 以及命令行 sdk 工具.我解压缩了这两个文件并尝试安装 Android Studio,但它没有找到 SDK.网上搜了一下,把解压后的SDK文件夹放到了C:\Users\User-Name\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk目录下,还是没有找到.我也听说Android Studio里面有sdk工具,但是还是它没有显示 SDK 工具.请帮助我.我使用的是 Windows 7 32 位操作系统.
I have downloaded the latest version of Android along with the command line sdk tools. I unzipped both the files and tried to install Android Studion but it doesn't find SDK. After searching online I put unzipped SDK folder into the following directory C:\Users\User-Name\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk, but it still doesn't find it.I have also heard that Android Studio contains SDk tools but still it is showing no SDK tools.Please help me.I am using windows 7 32-bit OS.
我遇到了同样的问题.真正的问题是我在 Windows 中的用户主文件夹中的变音符号!(C:\Users\Rodiče).
I had the same problem. The real problem was diacritics in my user home folder in windows! (C:\Users\Rodiče).
So I renamed it (here are the steps:https://superuser.com/questions/890812/how-to-rename-the-user-folder-in-windows-10)
and then make symlink (for possible applications which uses the old path):
mklink /J "c:\Users\Rodice\" "c:\Users\Rodiče\"
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