

我需要在画布中构建一种地图,它必须能够容纳超过10.000个元素,因此在某些情况下具有安静的大尺寸(> 8000px宽度,> 4000 px身高)。此外,我需要平移和缩放地图。
在对现有库(Paper.js)和其他可能的解决方案(Leaflet Map)进行一些调整后,我最终从头开始编写了一个自己的库,因为主要要求是,真的非常快(加载,鼠标悬停,...)并且我尝试过的库都没有提供所有方面。


  • 我有一个带有关联Control对象的地图对象,它注册事件并调整方法等。

  • 地图被划分为多个均匀尺寸的瓷砖(1024px x 1024px - 可自定义),因为使用仅有一个尺寸超过8000px宽度的画布使得它非常慢

  • 每个图块都与画布相关联

  • 元素(只是圆圈)被添加到一个或多个图块(如果它在边缘上) - 更具体地说是图块的画布。 / li>
  • 将瓷砖放在具有di的容器div中地图区域的大小(未缩小时)

  • 容器div放置在视口div中,以使地图显示为小部件

  • 缩放每个图块/画布和容器。为了提高性能,我牺牲了平滑变焦并实现了可定制的缩放步数,这仍然感觉还不错。

  • 平移设置为顶部容器的样式。

  • 使用的事件是 window.resize mousewheel DOMMouseScrol mousedown mouseup mousemove touchstart touchend touchmove

这对桌面浏览器和iPhone(使用SE,6S测试)完全满意,但每个 Android 设备我测试了它(三星S4,One Plus One和另一个1岁的设备,以及android工作室模拟器),它运行速度非常慢。绘制地图的速度很快,但缩放和平移接近不可能




scale 和以呈现您所需的内容。为了获得额外的奖励,请避免尝试渲染不在屏幕上的内容。


  var ctx = document.querySelector('canvas')。getContext('2d'); var img = new Image(); img.src ='https://placeimg.com/1000/1000/nature';img.onload = start; function start(){var xDirection = -1; var yDirection = -1; var xPosition = 0; var yPosition = 0; var prev = Date.now(); (function render(){var now = Date.now(); var delta =(now  -  prev)/ 1000; xPosition + = xDirection * delta * 20; yPosition + = yDirection * delta * 40; if(xPosition> 0 ){xPosition = 0; xDirection * = -1;} else if(xPosition< -320){xPosition = -320; xDirection * = -1;} if(yPosition> 0){yPosition = 0; yDirection * = -1;} else if(yPosition< -240){yPosition = -240; yDirection * = -1;} prev = now; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(xPosition,yPosition); ctx.drawImage(img ,0,0); ctx.restore(); requestAnimationFrame(render);})();}  
  body {background:#111;} canvas {background:#FFF;}  
 < canvas width =320height =240>< / canvas>  

I need to build a kind of map in canvas, which must be able to hold more than 10.000 elements and thus has quiet big dimensions in some cases (> 8000px width, >4000 px height). Also I need to pan and zoom the map.After some fiddeling around with existing libraries (Paper.js) and possible other solutions (Leaflet Map) I eventually wrote an own library from scratch, because the main requirement is, that is should be really really fast (loading, mouseovers, ...) and none of the libraries I tried could offer all of the aspects.

The structure is as follows:

  • I have one map object with an associated Control object, which registers events and has resize methods etc.
  • A map is divided in mutliple even sized tiles (1024px x 1024px - customizable) because using the map with only one canvas at a size over 8000px width made it incredibly slow
  • Each tile is associated with a canvas
  • The elements (just circles) are added to one or multiple tiles (If it's on the edge) - more specifically to the tiles' canvas.
  • The tiles are placed within an container div which has the dimensions of the map area (when not zoomed out)
  • The container div is placed within a viewport div to enable the map being displayed as a "widget"
  • Zooming scales every tile/canvas and the container. For sake of performance I sacrificed smooth zoom and implemented a customizable amount of zoom steps, which still feels okay.
  • Panning set's the topand left style of the container.
  • Events used are window.resize, mousewheel, DOMMouseScrol, mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, touchstart,touchend,touchmove and Hammertime pinch

This alltogether runs satisfying on Desktop Browsers, and iPhones (tested with SE, 6S) but on every Android device I tested it (Samsung S4, One Plus One and another 1 year old device, and android studio emulator) it runs extremly slow. Drawing of the Map is fine in speed, but zooming and panning is near to impossible.

The code is too comprehensive to post it here, so I'm asking you if there are any known problems with canvas on android, that could explain this problem, or maybe some issues with the way I built the structure that could produce issues with android. I'm really clueless here, since it works on desktop and iPhone.


The real problem you're hitting is you're overloading the GPU. Loading that much data all and once then moving it around is going to put a toll on the GPU and likely force the browser into software rendering mode, which is a big performance hit.

Instead, I'd suggest changing your approach. Rather than having various large canvases, you should have one canvas that is, at most, the size of the users screen. Then, utilize methods of the canvas API such as scale and translate to render what you need. For an added bonus, avoid trying to render things which are off screen.

It may seem like having to redraw the scene every time you move around would be slow but it's not. The reality is that either you specify exactly what needs to be drawn or the browser has to attempt to draw all of it again when you shift it around. Here's a brief example of how you can render and move large images.

var ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d');
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://placeimg.com/1000/1000/nature';
img.onload = start;

function start() {
  var xDirection = -1;
  var yDirection = -1;
  var xPosition = 0;
  var yPosition = 0;

  var prev = Date.now();
  (function render() {
    var now = Date.now();
    var delta = (now - prev) / 1000;

    xPosition += xDirection * delta * 20;
    yPosition += yDirection * delta * 40;
    if (xPosition > 0) {
      xPosition = 0;
      xDirection *= -1;
    } else if (xPosition < -320) {
      xPosition = -320;
      xDirection *= -1;
    if (yPosition > 0) {
      yPosition = 0;
      yDirection *= -1;
    } else if (yPosition < -240) {
      yPosition = -240;
      yDirection *= -1;

    prev = now;
    ctx.translate(xPosition, yPosition);
    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
body {
  background: #111;
canvas {
  background: #FFF;
<canvas width="320" height="240"></canvas>


08-06 00:20