本文介绍了PyQt 5.11 缺少 WebEngine 模块的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我在 https://www 上阅读了关于PyQt 5.11 缺少 WebEngine 模块"的说明.Riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5.但这并不能帮助我理解为什么缺少 WebEngine 模块,或者该怎么做?唯一有效的是恢复到 PyQt 5.10.0 或使用 x64 版本.任何人都可以解释并帮助我理解当我使用的模块现在在 5.11.x 中丢失并且似乎没有资源可以重新获取它们时,我打算如何继续使用 PyQt5 x86.是否不再支持 32 位或其他版本的 WebEngine 模块?

So I read the note on "PyQt 5.11 missing WebEngine modules" at https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5. But it doesn't help me understand why, or what to do regarding the missing WebEngine modules? The only thing that works is to revert to PyQt 5.10.0 or use x64 version. Can anyone explain and help me understand how I am meant to continue using PyQt5 x86 when the modules I use are now missing in 5.11.x and there appears to be no resource to re-acquire them. Are the WebEngine modules no longer supported in 32 bit or something?



The problem is simple, PyQt5 uses the binaries provided by Qt, and currently Qt no longer provides binaries for 32 bits, only for 64 bits.

您可以将 Qt WebEngine 用于 32 位吗?

可以,但是你必须手动编译Qt和Qt WebEngine的依赖,然后你必须编译PyQt5.

Yes you can but you will have to compile Qt manually and the dependencies of Qt WebEngine, and after that you will have to compile PyQt5.


这篇关于PyQt 5.11 缺少 WebEngine 模块的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 17:05