

使用 AudioKit 框架时,我遇到了一个小问题:

I got a small problem using the AudioKit framework:

---->我无法让AudioKit框架选择高于和低于特定数量的特殊频率. ( 100Hz以下和20kHz 以上的频率)

----> I can't get the AudioKit framework to pick up special frequencies above and below a specific amount. (frequency below 100Hz & above 20kHz)


I've tested some frequency-tracker apps on my iOS device combined with some online-tonegenerator tools to check if my iPhone microphone is able to pick up those frequency above 20000Hz... And it is.

但是使用默认的frequency tracker代码段:AudioKit无法拾取20000Hz以上的频率.

But using the default frequency tracker code snippets: Frequency above 20000Hz can not be picked up by AudioKit.

mic = AKMicrophone()
tracker = AKFrequencyTracker(mic)
silence = AKBooster(tracker, gain: 0)
AKSettings.audioInputEnabled = true
AudioKit.output = silence


--->这是AudioKit框架的局限性,还是默认iOS设备设置-的局限性? 获得这些频率?

---> Is this is a limitation of the AudioKit framework, a limitation of the default iOS-device settings- or is there maybe another way to achieve getting those frequencies?


这是AudioKit中的限制.频率跟踪器基于名为 ptrack ,它又基于 Csound的ptrack .您可以修改参数以尝试在您所关注的领域中提供更高的精度,但是如果您担心低和高的更好结果,那将占用大量处理器资源.也许将两个带状"跟踪器用于低频和高频会更好.总是可以做出选择,并且AudioKit的频率跟踪器适合典型的音频范围.

This is a limitation in AudioKit. The Frequency Tracker is based on a soundpipe opcode called ptrack which is in turn based off Csound's ptrack. You could modify the parameters to try to givie you rmore precision in the area of your concern, but if you are concerned with better results both low and high, that will be very processor intensive. Perhaps using two "banded" trackers for low and high would be better. There are always choices to be made and AudioKit's frequency tracker is geared towards typical audible ranges.


10-26 21:46