

我想实现,关于我的MacBook Air笔记本采用蓝牙的Java应用程序。我尝试使用Java蓝牙库。

I would like to implement an Java application that uses Bluetooth on my MacBook Air laptop. I try to use the Java bluetooth library BlueCove.

我试图执行第一个例子中的但它抛出一个 BluetoothStateException 的消息: BlueCove库bluecove不可用。我已经加入 bluecove-2.1.0.jar 在Eclipse我的构建路径。

I tried to implement the first example DeviceDiscovery but it throws an BluetoothStateException with the message: BlueCove library bluecove not available. I have added bluecove-2.1.0.jar to my Build Path in Eclipse.

这是什么问题?我如何使用BlueCove与我的MacBook Air?

What is the problem? How can I use BlueCove with my MacBook Air?


BlueCove需要32位JVM运行。添加 -d32 参数的Java 来强制32位JVM将解决这个问题。您可以在Eclipse的启动配置做下VM参数。

BlueCove requires the 32-bit JVM to run. Adding the -d32 argument to java to force the 32-bit JVM will fix the problem. You can do this in Eclipse under VM Arguments for the launch configuration.


09-24 13:06