


I'm looking for a way to determine whether an ARM processor is booting from a cold boot (i.e. initial power-on) versus a warm boot (i.e. reset assertion without actual power loss). Specifically I'm using an ARM968 core, will be making the determination using C or assembly, and I will use the determination so certain operations only run on the initial power-on and not on subsequent resets. In previous projects I've leveraged external circuitry (e.g. FPGA) to detect the different boot scenarios, but in this case I am limited to the ARM core.



You can initialize a global variable in RAM to a value that is unlikely during cold boot, and check for that during boot.


For microcontrollers normally the reset logic of the specific chip provides a status register, which indicates the source of the reset. I don't know if that exists for this bigger core, and whether you could use that.


07-22 19:23