


I planned to use xarray extensively in some numerically intensive scientific code that I am writing. So far, it makes the code very elegant, but I think I will have to abandon it as the performance cost is far too high.

这里是一个示例,该示例创建两个数组,并使用xarray(具有多个索引方案)和numpy将它们的一部分相乘在一起.我使用了num_comp = 2和num_x = 10000:

Here is an example, which creates two arrays and multiplies parts of them together using xarray (with several indexing schemes), and numpy. I used num_comp=2 and num_x=10000:

Line #      Hits     Time   Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
 4                                           @profile
 5                                           def xr_timing(num_comp, num_x):
 6         1         4112   4112.0     10.1      da1 = xr.DataArray(np.random.random([num_comp, num_x]).astype(np.float32), dims=['component', 'x'], coords={'component': ['a', 'b'], 'x': np.linspace(0, 1, num_x)})
 7         1          438    438.0      1.1      da2 = da1.copy()
 8         1         1398   1398.0      3.4      da2[:] = np.random.random([num_comp, num_x]).astype(np.float32)
 9         1         7148   7148.0     17.6      da3 = da1.isel(component=0).drop('component') * da2.isel(component=0).drop('component')
10         1         6298   6298.0     15.5      da4 = da1[dict(component=0)].drop('component') * da2[dict(component=0)].drop('component')
11         1         7541   7541.0     18.6      da5 = da1.sel(component='a').drop('component') * da2.sel(component='a').drop('component')
12         1         7184   7184.0     17.7      da6 = da1.loc[dict(component='a')].drop('component') * da2.loc[dict(component='a')].drop('component')
13         1         6479   6479.0     16.0      da7 = da1[0, :].drop('component') * da2[0, :].drop('component')

15                                           @profile
16                                           def np_timing(num_comp, num_x):
17         1         1027   1027.0     50.2      da1 = np.random.random([num_comp, num_x]).astype(np.float32)
18         1          977    977.0     47.8      da2 = np.random.random([num_comp, num_x]).astype(np.float32)
19         1           41     41.0      2.0      da3 = da1[0, :] * da2[0, :]


The fastest xarray multiplication takes about 150X the time of the numpy version. This is just one of the operations in my code, but I find most of them are many times slower than the numpy equivalent, which is unfortunate as xarray makes the code so much clearer. Am I doing something wrong?

更新:即使da1 [0,:].values * da2 [0,:].values(失去了使用xarray的许多好处)也需要2464个时间单位.

Update: Even da1[0, :].values * da2[0, :].values (which loses many of the benefits of using xarray) takes 2464 time units.

我正在使用xarray 0.9.6,pandas 0.21.0,numpy 1.13.3和Python 3.5.2.

I am using xarray 0.9.6, pandas 0.21.0, numpy 1.13.3, and Python 3.5.2.

更新2:按照@Maximilian的要求,这里以num_x = 1000000重新运行:

Update 2:As requested by @Maximilian, here is a re-run with num_x=1000000:

Line #      Hits   Time    Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
# xarray
 9         5       408596  81719.2     11.3      da3 = da1.isel(component=0).drop('component') * da2.isel(component=0).drop('component')
10         5       407003  81400.6     11.3      da4 = da1[dict(component=0)].drop('component') * da2[dict(component=0)].drop('component')
11         5       411248  82249.6     11.4      da5 = da1.sel(component='a').drop('component') * da2.sel(component='a').drop('component')
12         5       411730  82346.0     11.4      da6 = da1.loc[dict(component='a')].drop('component') * da2.loc[dict(component='a')].drop('component')
13         5       406757  81351.4     11.3      da7 = da1[0, :].drop('component') * da2[0, :].drop('component')
14         5        48800   9760.0      1.4      da8 = da1[0, :].values * da2[0, :].values

# numpy
20         5        37476   7495.2      2.9      da3 = da1[0, :] * da2[0, :]


The performance difference has decreased substantially, as expected (only about 10X slower now), but I am still glad that the issue will be mentioned in the next release of the documentation as even this amount of difference may surprise some people.


是的,这是xarray的已知限制.对于xarray,使用小型数组的性能敏感代码比NumPy慢得多.我在下一个版本的文档中为此写了一个新的部分: http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/Calculation.html#wrapping-custom-computation

Yes, this is a known limitation for xarray. Performance sensitive code that uses small arrays is much slower for xarray than NumPy. I wrote a new section about this in our docs for the next version:http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/computation.html#wrapping-custom-computation


  1. 在未包装的阵列上编写对性能敏感的代码,然后将其包装回xarray数据结构中. Xarray v0.10具有一个新的帮助器功能(apply_ufunc),使此操作更容易些.如果您对此感兴趣,请参阅上面的链接.
  2. 使用xarray/Python以外的工具进行计算.这也可能是有道理的,因为Python本身会增加大量开销.朱莉娅的 AxisArrays.jl 看起来很有趣,尽管我自己还没有尝试过.
  1. Write your performance sensitive code on unwrapped arrays, and then wrap them back in xarray data structures. Xarray v0.10 has a new helper function (apply_ufunc) that makes this a little easier. See the link above if you are interested in this.
  2. Use something other than xarray/Python to do your computation. This could also make sense because Python itself adds significant overhead. Julia's AxisArrays.jl looks like interesting, though I haven't tried it myself.

我想方法3是用C ++重写xarray本身(例如,在 xtensor 之上),但这会涉及更多的事情!

I suppose option 3 would be to rewrite xarray itself in C++ (e.g., on top of xtensor), but that would be much more involved!


09-17 07:15