

我正在使用此示例项目( https://github.com/imranbaloch/ASPNETIdentityWithOnion )在我的应用程序体系结构中,在此示例中,核心完全脱离了包括身份框架在内的基础设施.

I am using this sample project (https://github.com/imranbaloch/ASPNETIdentityWithOnion) as my application architecture, in this sample the core is completly decoplied from the infrastrure including the identity framework.

在此示例中,作者使用适配器模式解耦了核心标识类(IdentityUser,IdentityRole ...),并在Core层中提供了类似的类.

In this sample the author has used the adapter pattern to decouple core identity classes (IdentityUser, IdentityRole ... ) and provide classes like them in the Core layer.


Now the issue in this sample project is that the Domain model (Product, Images) are not linked with the dummy classes (AppUser, ApplicationRole, AppliationUserRoles, ...) that mimics the Identity ones.


Then I have modified the code to added the reference to AppUser

public sealed class Image : BaseEntity
    public Image()
        Products = new HashSet<Product>();

    public string Path { get; set; }

    public AppUser AppUser { get; set; } // The  Added Reference ...

    public ICollection<Product> Products { get; set; }


If I put the "AppUser" navigation property inside the "Image" class, the created database will have FOUR new tables other than the default FIVE tables of the identity framework.


I need to merge these tables into the default ones.how ?


This is the Identity Models that resides in the Data Layer (which I can not reference from the core).

public class ApplicationIdentityUser :
    IdentityUser<int, ApplicationIdentityUserLogin, ApplicationIdentityUserRole, ApplicationIdentityUserClaim>, IDomainUser {

    public ApplicationIdentityUser()
        : base() {
        Images = new HashSet<Image>();

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Image> Images { get; set; }

public class ApplicationIdentityRole : IdentityRole<int, ApplicationIdentityUserRole>
    public ApplicationIdentityRole(){}

    public ApplicationIdentityRole(string name){Name = name;}

public class ApplicationIdentityUserRole : IdentityUserRole<int> {}

public class ApplicationIdentityUserClaim : IdentityUserClaim<int>{}

public class ApplicationIdentityUserLogin : IdentityUserLogin<int>{}


Also this is my model builder in the OnModelCreating method:

            .Property(e => e.Id)
            .HasMany(e => e.Products)
            .WithRequired(e => e.Image)
             .Property(e => e.Id)
            .Property(e => e.Id)
             .Property(e => e.Id)



Okay I have solved this by doing the following:

  1. 在您的Core中包括对Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core的依赖
  2. 在AppUser上
  3. 实施 IUser 界面(此界面来自Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core).
  4. ApplicationRole 上实现 IRole 界面.
  5. 完全摆脱 IdentityDbContext ,仅继承 DbContext .
  6. 提供您的 AppUser
  7. ,以实现您自己的 IUserStore * 版本
  8. 实施您自己的 IRoleStore 版本,并提供您的 ApplicationRole .
  1. Include a dependency in your Core to Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core
  2. Implement IUser interface on the AppUser (this interface come fromMicrosoft.AspNet.Identity.Core).
  3. Implement IRole interface on the ApplicationRole.
  4. Completely get rid of the IdentityDbContext and inherit only from DbContext.
  5. Implement your own version of IUserStore* providing your AppUser
  6. Implement your own version of IRoleStore providing your ApplicationRole.


I know that making a dependency on the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core sounds Odd, but we only need the interface IUser which is basically considered as Core Domain Model for your application too.

此处的最终构想是完全摆脱Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework .


Interested devs can +1 this, so I can upload a full working sample on GitHub.


08-12 19:26