

有时候,当我在PBS群集上运行作业时,我真的很想在两个地方添加作业日志(-o文件). $PBS_O_WORKDIR中的一个用于保持所有内容,而${HOME}/jobOuts/中的一个用于进行greping/awking/etc ...

Sometimes when I run jobs on a PBS cluster, I'd really like the joblog (-o file) in two places. One in the $PBS_O_WORKDIR for keeping everthing together and one ${HOME}/jobOuts/ for greping/awking/etc...


Doing a test from the command line works with tee:

echo "hello" | qsub -o `tee $HOME/out1.o $HOME/out2.o $HOME/out3.o`


But once I try to put this in my PBS script, it does not work if I put it in a PBS script and qsub

####Parameterized PBS Script ####
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -l walltime=0:01:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m abe


echo `date`


qsub  TEST.pbs
qsub: directive error: -o `tee TEE_TEST.o TEE_TEST.${PBS_JOBID}.o`


I tried a few other things below - nothing worked.


One -o line (comma, semi colon and space):



#PBS -o ${HOME}/jobOuts/${PBS_JOBNAME}.${PBS_JOBID}.o

两个衬板仅采用2nd -o选项,一个衬板不起作用.

The two works liner just takes the 2nd -o option, and the one liners don't work.


Any suggestions? Is it possible?


我研究了 qsub手册页,我认为没有一种方法可以为标准输出和标准错误指定多个输出文件(每个文件).从此页面中获取提示,这是我实现与您的目标相似的方法.您的PBS环境可能有所不同.另外,我不是bash专家,所以可能会有更简洁的方法来实现相同的目的.

I studied a qsub man page and I don't think there is a method to specify more than one output file (each) for standard output and standard error. Taking cues from this page, here is a way I achieved something similar to your goals. Your PBS environment may be a little different. Also, I am not a bash expert, so there may be more concise methods of achieving the same thing.


Assuming you're using the default -o settings, at the end of your regular job script put the commands:

# change to the directory from which this job was submitted

# the standard output by default will be in file JOBNAME.oJOBID
# on my system, PBS_JOBID has ".machinename" at the end, which needs to be removed


echo "${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/copy.pbs $filename" | qsub


This will launch qsub using the stdin arguments telling it to run "copy.pbs" with the filename argument to be copied. The copy.pbs file I used is:


# change to the directory from which this job was submitted


cp $1 $newfile

这对我有用,可以将第一个PBS标准输出复制到另一个目录.副作用是,使用qsub运行copy.pbs会创建另外两个输出文件STDIN.e *和STDIN.o *.我认为再次使用qsub是确保完成第一项工作的好主意.为了更加安全,您可以在qsub中使用取决于选项",例如"-W depend=afterok:$PBS_JOBID copy.pbs $filename" | qsub.但是我没有测试这种方法,就像我说的那样,我不是这方面的专家.

This worked for me to copy the first PBS standard output to another directory. A side effect is that running copy.pbs with qsub creates another two output files, STDIN.e* and STDIN.o*. I figured using qsub again was a good idea to make sure the first job had finished. To be more safe, you could use the "depends on option" with qsub, such as "-W depend=afterok:$PBS_JOBID copy.pbs $filename" | qsub. But I did not test this method and like I said, I'm not an expert in any of this.


09-23 21:56