


I don't understand how the environment is set on compute nodes when running with MPI under a scheduler.


mpirun -np 1 --hostfile ./hostfile foo.sh

foo.sh :

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

然后我不恢复在交互式shell中获得的LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...与MPI连接时执行/获取的初始化文件是什么?

Then I do not recover the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I have got in an interactive shell... What are the initialization files that are executed/sourced at connection with MPI?


note: I am under zsh, and I tried to put things in .zprofile or .zshenv instead of .zshrc, but it doesn't seem to make a change... My LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set in a .profile which is sourced by a .bashrc which is sourced by the .zshrc.


某些MPI实现为此为此mpirun设置了 -x 标志,例如 OpenMPI :

Some MPI implementations have an -x flag for mpirun for this, e.g. OpenMPI:


Export the specified environment variables to the remote nodes before executing the program. Only one environment variable can be specified per -x option. Existing environment variables can be specified or new variable names specified with corresponding values. For example:

%mpirun -x显示-x OFILE =/tmp/out ...

% mpirun -x DISPLAY -x OFILE=/tmp/out ...


The parser for the -x option is not very sophisticated; it does not even understand quoted values. Users are advised to set variables in the environment, and then use -x to export (not define) them.


If your's does not, you'll have to explicitly set the environment variables in your job script, e.g.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...


08-01 00:37