


I have 5 text areas on a page and I would like a specific event to occur on hitting the enter key on the first text area and a different event on enter key of the other text areas. Can you please suggest on how this can be acheived.


在第一个文本区域输入 alert('Text Area 1点击');

when hitting the enter on 1st Text Area, alert('Text Area 1 clicked');

当在另外4个文本区域, alert('Other Text Area'click ');

when hitting the enter on the other 4 Text Area, alert ('Other Text Area's clicked');


Can this be acheived using jquery.


$("textarea").keyup(function(e) {
   var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
   if (code == 13) {  // Enter keycode
     if($(this).hasClass("first")) {
        alert("first ta clicked");
     } else {
         alert("the other ta clicked");

在某些版本的FFX中按< Tab> ,e。没有设置(保持0),但e.keyCode是(9)。

in some versions of FFX pressing <Tab>, e.which isn't set (remains 0), but e.keyCode is (9).


    if((e.keyCode || e.which) == 13) { //Enter keycode
      if($(this).hasClass("first")) {
        alert("first ta clicked");
      } else {
        alert("the other ta clicked");


the other thing note is I like adding the class here than finding the first textarea is cos this is more generic solution and could cater to any of the textareas.


08-30 08:39